Doc Oc

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Third person

As the two got to school and get inside the class, their are whispers. "I can't believe Percy hacked into Lilas account." Someone said. Percy and Marienette were confused as they sit down with their friends. Lila walks over with Alya and Rose, Lila fake crying. "I-I can't believe you Percy.. W-why would you hack into my Instagram account and post something calling me a slut." Lila said. Percy looked at Lila. "I never did that. Besides if I did hack into your account I would delete it." She said. Marienette, Thomas, Chloe, Juleka, and Nino hold back their giggles. Alya than shows them the post. Felix looked at it. "Percy would never put the letter u. She'd spell it Y O U." He said. The other five nod. "I can't believe you are friends with her Juleka." Rose said disappointed in Juleka. Suddenly Juleka felt sad. She missed Rose. She missed being her girlfriend. "Oh shut up Rose. Percy would never lie unlike Lila! Hell its in her damn name LIE!" Juleka said as Chloe pat Julekas back. "Oh yeah? Well she did it to Adrien too." Lila said. "You don't have to believe me of course. After all, you all hate me for no reason." She said as she, Rose, and Alya walked off. Juleka excused herself to the bathroom. Percy sighed. She was on edge, suddenly she started getting messages on Instagram.

'I can't believe you would try to hurt Adrien!'

Yeah that actually hurt for some reason. Percy set her phone down. Thomas looked at Percy and pat her back. "Hey don't worry. I can clear it up for you if you want." He offered. "Thanks Thomas.. But I don't want your fans to turn on you." Percy smiled softly. Felix felt a bit weird when Thomas pat her back. He didn't understand why. Suddenly a man rushed into the school, he had metal tentacles, kinda like an octopus, everyone looked out and screamed. Soon chaos erupted.

"Shit." She said and went to a closet. Than became Spidergirl. Her entire brain alerted. She went to the entrance. "Hiya Doc. Its been a while." She said as Doc Oc turned. He sneered. "I'm gonna kill you!" He said as they started to fight. Spidergirl dodged him. She noticed he didn't look like himself. He had a device on his head. She fought till she was thrown back into a wall. "Motherfucker!" She said and noticed Chat Noir go and bonk him on the head. "Dude don't do that!" She yelled as a tentacle grabbed Chats leg to throw him, Spidergirl quickly went and caught him. "Thanks Spidey." He said as she flicked his forehead. "Something isn't right." She said as Ladybug yo-yoed(?) Over. "Its like he is being controlled." Spidergirl said pointing at the device on his head. "Well how should we deal with him?" Ladybug asked. "First we should move him out of the school." She said as the two nodded. Spidergirl saw Lila being cornered by Doc Oc. "Well lets wait for a second." She mumbled. Ladybug and Chat look at Spidergirl. Both internally agreeing. He grabs Lila and throws her towards the trio.

Reluctantly, Ladybug and Spidergirl catch her. One catching her arms, the other catching her legs. Lila gasped. "Thank you so-" The two than dropped her. "Now shoo the adults have to fight a bad guy." Spidergirl said irritated at Lila. "Also, heard you lied about some girl named Percy Parker. Gonna warn you know, you will be sued for defamation if you keep this up." She said as Lila flinched and ran off. Ladybug and Chat Noir both smirked. "Anyways," Spidergirl said. She than webbed her self in front of Doc Oc. "Hey Doc. Catch me if you can!" She yelled as she started to web off, Doc Oc following. Chat and Ladybug looked at each other and followed.

Spidergirl than called Tony, thank god for her suit having a phone and all in it. "Hey kid whats-" He saw she was clearly in the suit. "Whats up?" "Well you see Doc Oc attacked the school. But something isn't right." She said. "What do ya mean?" He asked. "Well he has this device on his head. Kinda looks like a mind control thing." She said and took a quick look at Doc so Tony could see. "Once you get it off him, send the device to me. And ask him about it." Tony added. "Gotcha. But quick question." She said. "How do I take it o-" Suddenly she was grabbed and thrown into the road. She hissed in pain as Ladybug and Chat Noir jumped down. "Chat, can you destory some of the tentacles?" She asked as Chat nodded. "Ladybug, you distract him. And I'll tie him up." She said as the two nodded.

"Hey over here!" Ladybug said making gesters like waving her arms. That got Doc Ocs attention as he went towards her. "Cataclysm!" Chat said jumping on and destroying the tentacles. Spidergirl took that as an advantage and tied him up. "Okay thanks you two. Y'all see me later. And I'll explain once Tony tells me about the device. Till than." She said making a small salute as she took Doc Oc to the sewers, leaving Chat and Ladybug to make sure people were okay and than leave.

Percys POV
I look at the device and after a few minutes finally take the device off of Docs head. He groans and looks around. "Huh. Where am I?" He asked and looked at me. "Ah what do you need?" He hissed. "You're in the Paris sewers. You attacked me. Anyways what do you remember last." I asked. He would try to think. "I remember I went to see Harry Osborn. He is still struggling in high school and with his dad dead, I decided to help him out. I was helping him when suddenly some men broke in Harry's house. They knocked Harry out and as I tried to do something I think they knocked me out." He said. I widen my eyes. I remember Harry. He was my best friend until his dad died, he ignored me. I tried to talk to him. I understand... But I mean I heard he died from his own suit... Even as Spidergirl I tried reaching out. But he ignored me. And it hurt. It still does.

I sigh. "I'm worried about him Parker." Doc Oc said. I look up. "How do you know my identity?" I asked panicked. "Not even my aunt knows." I mumble. "It wasn't hard to figure out. But don't worry. I haven't told anyone." He explained. "I get we've had our disagreements. But I worried about Harry." I look at him with a frown. "Fine.. I have an idea." I say. "My school needs a new science teacher. And since you're the only clue I have to find out about these men... I think if I can get Iron Man to agree.. You can be my new science teacher. We'll say that you are my old science teacher." I explain. He pats my back. "Thanks Parker. And also Harry talked about you. Said he missed you and felt bad when he ignored you." He said. I smile a bit. "Thanks Doc." I say. "No problem."

The next day,
Tony agreed to it reluctantly. So today, Mr Otto Gunther, is our new Science teacher. I enter the school with him, knowing he is scared to death. "Don't worry Mr Gunther." I smile. "Also remember what I told you about my class." I add. I told him everything about our class.
Soon class started, I sit in the front with Thomas, Marienette, and Felix. "Hello class. My name is Doctor Otto Gunther." He says as I smile. "And-" Suddenly Kim threw a paper ball at him. The class except for my friends and I laugh. I roll my eyes. "Wow Kim, you're so desperate for attention." Thomas says. Doc looks at the class chart. "Ah Lê Chiến Kim." He smirked. Kim nodded. "Yeah." He smirked back. "Hah.. Well did you know your last name means the dog?" Doc smirked more making Kims turn to a frown. "So that means that you are Kim the dog." Doc said getting in front of Kim. "Now I know some dogs are disobedient. And you sure seem like it. But you throw something at me again." Doc said with a slightly evil smile. "You will fetch it yourself and walk yourself to the principles office. Got it, dog?" He smiled as Kim was obviously intimidated. "Y-Yes sir." Kim replied. "Good dog." Doc said as he went back to the front and continued. I smile.

After class Thomas, Felix, Mari, and I are the last ones in there talking to Doc. "So Mr Gunther you were Percys previous teacher. Thats so cool." Marienette said. "I must agree. Also the way you told Kim off was amazing." Thomas added. "I must admit, I cannot wait for more classes sir." Felix said. "Thats a compliment D- Mr Gunther." I say as he nods. "Well you and your friends are a delight Miss Parker." Doc says. "Have a good day kids." He said as we leave. Today was going to be a good day I think.

Happy Easter!

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