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Amelia rushes through the suite with a bottle of champagne and two flute glasses in hand, "Okay, I've got the bottle, now I can get started before the others interrupt."

A light laugh splutters out of me as I take one of the glasses, trying not to move while my hair is getting done.

She pours the alcohol into our glasses and then raises hers, "So, this is a toast to my beautiful sister on her wedding day. I can't quite believe today is here after so much planning over the years, but it is and you're finally getting married to Nathan. There's no one else in this world who deserves this more than you do; you are going to make a wonderful wife."

"Jellytot," I whisper, bringing my hand to my heart.

"Iris," she deadpans, "I'm twenty-two, when will you drop the nickname?"

"Never," I say before taking a gulp of my champagne, enjoying the bubbles on my tongue, "But thank you for that, it was really lovely of you to say."

"It's all true," she smiles, grabbing the bottle to fill our glasses for the second time.

"I still need to walk down the aisle, remember," I laugh, yet I still allow her to do so, keeping my glass level.

"One more won't harm," she assures me before adding, "And I'm sure the kids will sober us up anyway."

At the reminder, my eyes glance at the door of the room where they're all getting ready in, "Do you think they're behaving for Olivia?"

"Would you like me to lie?" she laughs, "Elise has been a massive help, though, she's on top of it."

"Of course she is," I chuckle, picturing it in my mind.

Elise is now eleven years old, and she's truly, without a doubt, my best friend. Her young age doesn't reflect on how mature she is, I find myself having better conversations with her than I do with most adults, so I'm not surprised she's holding down the fort while I can't.

Addison and Nova will be great, but I know they'll have their hands full with Avelie, Sutton and Harper.

Only seven months after giving birth to the twins, I fell pregnant with Harper, on Nathan and I's engagement night, no less. I was on birth control at the time, but because our family had a sickness bug the week before, my pill didn't work. She was definitely a shock, we were only just getting the hang of taking care of the twins, so adding another baby to the mix was completely unexpected.

The twins turned three in March and Harper will be turning two next week, so you can use your imagination as to what chaos will be unveiling behind that door.

Amelia finally puts the bottle down on the table, and turns to me, "Out of sight out of mind, Iris, they're happy with Olivia; don't even think about what they're getting up to."

"I feel bad leaving her with them all," I admit.

My sister slaps me on the hand, scolding me, "Stop feeling guilty, it's your wedding day, Iris, Olivia was the one who offered. Also, Charlotte will be taking over shortly because she and the rest of your bridesmaids need to join us."

"That's true," I take a deep breath, "You're the best maid of honour, thank you."

"I know," she confidently grins in response.

Emily, our hairstylist for the day, rounds my seat and after applying a few rollers to my hair, she smiles, "Once I've done the others' hair, I'll get you back in the chair to take the rollers out and for finishing touches, but it looks gorgeous."

"Perfect, thank you, is Amelia next?" I ask.

"Yeah, if you'd be willing to swap seats with each other, that would be perfect."

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