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Nathan Fields.

Four kids; I'm going to be a father to four now. I didn't lie when I told Iris I always wanted a big family; I come from one myself, being one of six children, but four children as a single father is quite daunting though I'd never admit it. If I didn't have the support I do have, I would have drowned before now.

What's worse is I still don't know if Iris is staying, and if she doesn't, then everything is so much more complicated than it already is. How am I supposed to be a good dad to my baby who lives on the opposite side of the country? I simply cannot.

My Apple watch beeps, letting me know my time is up in the gym; I work out four times a week, twice a day if I can - it helps that I don't have to leave my house and it's just downstairs in the basement. I can get a workout in before any of the kids even wake up.

I shut off the lights after cleaning up and head upstairs to jump in the shower. By the time I'm out and back in the kitchen, it's seven AM and Elise and Addie will be awake soon for school; Nova however should still sleep for a bit, as she always does. I start fixing breakfast for myself before I wake them.

Mid-pouring milk into a bowl of cereal, my phone beeps with a message and after shoving a spoonful in my mouth, I check it.

Iris: 'hi if the room is still available for me, i'd really appreciate it. i'm still looking for places in the city, so i shouldn't be in your hair for too long. oh and i have a doctors appointment, the soonest one was in two weeks which is better than i was expecting, they've prescribed me some folic acid as well'

A smile comes to my lips as I read her message, and I put my spoon down to reply.

Me: 'The room is yours, when do you want to move in? Also, two weeks is amazing, how's the morning sickness been?'

I don't have to wait too long for her reply.

Iris: 'it's not the best, but i'm okay, and thank you for the room, is friday okay? i know two days is short notice'

Me: 'Friday is good, any time around noon is okay with me'

Iris: 'perfect thank you again!'

I finish my cereal off, rinsing the bowl before going up to wake Elise and Addie for another day of school, and to also tell them about our new roommate.


The two days waiting on Iris go by like seconds, using up any spare time I have between the gym and being a father to make her room as welcoming as possible. I only remember a few details about her apartment, so after going back and forth, I decided to just leave her to decorate; it was her room after all, but I made sure it was nice enough for her.

Nervous would be an understatement; I'm glad she's moving in here, and I want her to, but the nerves that come with another woman living in this house and being introduced to my children, scares the living shit out of me. The girls' reaction to Iris moving in was surprising, I thought my sassy four-year-old, Addie would at least have something to say, but she didn't, not negatively anyway, all of them were excited to meet someone new, especially Elise. Nova's still too young to understand anything, but I'm sure she's excited about a new face around here.

The doorbell rings and I rush to answer, tripping slightly in the process before opening the door to meet Iris, her face paler than the last time I saw her.

"Hey," she breathes out, dropping a massive bag down in front of her, "I, um, just need a second, need to breathe."

"You stay, I'll grab the rest," I offer.

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