twenty four.

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Iris Rhodes.

"Iris!" Amelia runs to me, abandoning her large suitcase in the busy airport.

As soon as she's within my reach, I wrap my arms around her, pulling her in for a hug, "I've missed you so much, jellytot, I'm glad you're staying with us for two weeks this time."

"As am I, last time was too short; thank you for letting me stay again, I appreciate it," she tells me.

"Don't thank me, thank Nathan, he's waiting in the car for us," I chuckle.

"Let's not keep him waiting then," she spins around and gets her suitcase which she left unattended.

Amelia could only stay with us for three days over Thanksgiving because she had to return to London for University, so I'm glad that she's back this time for longer. It's a shame that today is already Christmas Eve and she's missed the run-up to Christmas, but we have tonight, tomorrow and New Year to celebrate together.

When we enter the parking lot, Amelia frowns, looking around, "Where's the car?"

"Right here," I stop behind Nathan's new car.

"Shut up, he didn't," she gasps, stepping back to have a good look.

Buying a new car was inevitable for when the babies are here, we both knew that, but in no way did I expect him to come home last week to tell me he spent over a hundred grand on one. He has the money and owns two expensive cars already, so I shouldn't have been surprised that he splurged on another, but it had done. I'm happy we now have a car big enough for us all, but when he told me the price, it took me a while to warm up to because of how expensive it is compared to the car I had only paid a little over one grand for.

Though I hate to admit it, the Land Rover Defender 130 is perfect for our little family, just like he said; with three seats in the back, three seats in the middle and two at the front. Despite Addie's wishes for yellow, the exterior of the new car is in the shade of Eiger Grey and the interior is in the shade of Ebony, the complete opposite of her wishes, but she still loves it nonetheless.

Nathan gets out of the car to help with the suitcase when he sees us and Amelia turns to him, pointing at the car, "This is gorgeous."

She isn't wrong at all, it's the nicest eight-seater car I've ever seen and it very much fits Nathan; I couldn't imagine him driving around in a minivan.

"It's my sixth baby," he pats the top of it, causing a laugh to rumble out of me.

"Speaking of babies, how are the twins coming along?" Amelia asks me, and while we talk, Nathan takes this opportunity to put her suitcase in the trunk.

"They're doing really well, we had a scan last Friday when I was measuring at twenty-three weeks and six days, which isn't quite twenty-four weeks, but we've been going to scans a day early from the beginning since it falls on a Saturday," I sigh when I realise I'm rambling, "They're good, though; my doctor told me that baby A is getting a lot bigger and that they may even overtake the growth of Baby B which is excellent news because I was worrying."

"I'm glad they're growing well, you can definitely tell too," she put her hand against my bump.

I chuckle to myself, "I genuinely don't remember what it felt like to have no belly, I'm so used to it now."

"It suits you," she smiles.

Nathan shuts the trunk after putting her suitcase away, "You both ready to get going?"

"More than ready," Amelia nods in response.

"We are," I walk over to the passenger side door.

"Amelia, come around and open the door behind mine, Nova's on Iris' side," he tells her and she happily follows him around the car.

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