Chapter 9 • Cat hunting

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"Really?" America asked, raising a brow.
Him, Antarctica, WHO, Germany, and NATO were making their way to UN's house. The sun was just a few hours from setting, yet still shines brilliantly. The heat berated against the colder personification: Antarctica. But, he wouldn't need to worry for too long. They were nearly there.
"So his cat hunts other animals?" America continued, "and there might be some in there?"
Antarctica nodded with a hum,
"That's what he told me..."
"Is that where all the blood was coming from?!" Germany ushered out.
"Are you sure you should be taking care of the cat then?" NATO peered his eyes down on Antarctica.

The continent must've nodded about a hundred times over, and very enthusiastically too. Nothing would sway his mind on it,
"Yes! Yes! UN said he wanted me to take care of it, so I should!"
"You could just lie," America suggested.
"No!" Antarctica shook his head, "that'd be wrong!"
Germany pat Antarctica on the shoulder,
"Not to sound rude, but... You're not very used to such sights..."
"I agree," WHO interrupted. "You passed out more than once at that meeting. You can't be doing that over a few mice."
Antarctica crossed his arms in defiance.
"If you keep it indoors, then it wouldn't get any mice." NATO suggested.
"Can't keep cats inside all the time," America argued back.

Before the group could continue to argue, they had finally arrived to the house. Its walls showed off in pretty hues and appeared more than welcoming to anyone who walked near. Germany's face paled.
"You can wait outside if you want," WHO suggested.
"I'll be fine," he sighed, "but I'll go outside if I need to."
WHO looked at Antarctica,
"You should stay outside, too..."
"No, I'll be fine!" He pouted.
"..." WHO muttered something under his breath, "alright, if you insist." He would be keeping a sharp eye on him.

"Enough yapping, more exploring!" Chimed the star-spangled country as he pushed the door open.
NATO, in a just as excited manner, followed behind. Then, just behind him, was Germany, then WHO, and then Antarctica, who began to shake with every step.
America made a 'pss pss' sound, hurling it around the house,
"Here kitty, kitty, kitty!" He assumed himself as a sort of animal whisperer.
"What if it's not in the house right now?" Germany asked, "do we just wait for it?"
"What other choice would we have?" Said NATO, holding onto a cat carrier.
"Going outside and searching for it," America suggested.

Antarctica, while the group chatted amongst themselves, snuck off to look around the house. The sights made his skin crawl adn stomach churn. It was unpleasant to say the least. He took a step back once he noticed the small droplets of crimson that had dried on the floor. His body kept still, shaking at the sights. Was this his friend's blood? Were there ever times he had gone too far and had to walk around the house for a bandage, leaving a stain to forever remember the incident? Why hadn't he cleaned it up? Antarctica bit his lip. His friend was in a safer place now. He'll be fine. It's going to be alright. That's what went through his head over and over as he forced himself to walk further.

His eyes wandered to two doors at the end of a hallways. Both of them had locks. Both of them were unlocked. He placed his hand on one of knobs and opened the first door closest to him.

He recognised the drawer from the image. It appears he's entered the creative work room. He breathed in heavily, pushing through and looked around.
"Here kitty, kitty," he whispered in a self-soothing voice.
There's no way the cat was in here. But he still looked. He checked under the desk. Nothing but some rubbish: fallen blades, inches of hair, and dust. Dust which blended well with the animal hairs. It was practically invisible. This room was a mess.

Then, Antarctica's eyes were drawn to a few boxed tossed aside. Between the boxes were the glimpses of a large patch of fur. It was all greyed our, perhaps due to the lack of light. It must be Snowball! She's probably hiding in boxes! Don't cats love to do that? Antarctica bent down, bringing his hand out.
"Kitty, kitty!" He started to smile.
His body relaxed, as if it had forgotten all the horrific sights beforehand. He couldn't wait to see this cat! UN had made Snowball out to be such a delight!

"There she is!" Germany called out.
The group hadnt noticed that Antarctica had left yet. But, they have noticed a white, fluffy friend which had trotted down the stairs and to the living room. She stayed still, lowering herself as her blue eyes glared the group. America huddled down, making the 'pss pss' sound. NATO held out the carrier.

Snowball sprinted back up the stairs at the shriek of a poor continent from the other room. The sudden cry had WHO and Germany running to Antarctica's side. The two Americans chased behind soon after.

Antarctica was incoherently crying in panicked breath. He tripped on his legs as he attempted to back up in a frenzy. WHO caught him, looking at him face to face. He spoke in a kindly, hushed voice,
"What's wrong? What's happened?"
The continent struggled to make out any words, keeping his eyes fixated on the pile of boxes which covered what he had seen. WHO helped him up and ordered that Germany take him out the house.

Germany had to practically drag Antarctica outside as he couldn't bring himself to move properlly. He had slowed greatly and was starting to trip over himself.
"Stay awake," Germany looked him in the eyes, "tell me what happened." He'd say anything to keep him from passing out.
Once they were outside, the only sound came from Antarctica's sobbing. He had a wide eyed state that began to dim. Germany got himself and the continent to sit on the grass. His arms hugged around Antarctica's shaking body, making sure he wouldn't fall. A dead weight landed in his arms as Antarctica eventually passed out.

Eventually, WHO arrived outside, leaving the two Americans inside. He looked at Antarctica with concern.
"Do you know what happened?" Germany asked.

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