The winner takes it all, the loser has to fall

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Posted February 25th, 2020 on Wattpad. If you can guess the little reference I slipped in, you get TWO high-fives!

CWS; profanity, sexual content.
[ third pov ]

Ruby sighed as she collapsed against the wall near the entrance of the hotel. She was growing a little upset by all of the new relationships blooming around her — sure, she had dated Flower once in their teenage years, but it felt weird, and they realized they were better off as friends.

It's not like she was scared of or hated being alone, but she wanted romantic intimacy at times.

She'd had her eye on someone for a while, but she wasn't sure he'd accept her affections for him because he was so famous. Or ex-famous, she supposed? Whatever, she'd never know unless she told him. Plus, they'd been friends long enough for her to know he'd gently let her down if he didn't feel the same way.

Ruby took a deep breath and went back to the hotel, making her way up to his suite, which, if memory serves, was right next to Four and X's. She knocked on his door and heard some noise on the other side before it opened and revealed Loser standing there.

He had slightly dark bags under his eyes and, if she was being honest, he resembled a zombie. He didn't seem to notice her grimace as he yawned and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "Can I help you?" With a smile on his face, he questioned her.

His raspy voice, a little deeper than usual due to it being morning, caused her to fumble over her words when she spoke. "Y-yeah, yeah... Can I come in?" She asked, gazing down at her shoes; she hadn't anticipated how hard this would be.

"...sure, I don't see why not," he replied after a brief pause, and moved out of the way to allow her to enter his hotel room. She gave a quick "thanks" as she stepped in, then sat down on the couch when Loser motioned for her to do so.

When he sat down next to her, he smoothed out his button-up (maybe a habit for him), and she noticed it was unbuttoned partially. Ruby diverted her gaze, not wanting to be caught staring at his chest. Thankfully, based on his reserved demeanor, he didn't appear to.

"So, what made you come here?" He questioned, which jolted her out of her reverie. "I mean... You're free to come whenever you want, but you usually hang around with Lightning or Flower."

"Right, um..." Ruby paused, biting her bottom lip, unsure of how to finish her sentence. "I just wanted to ask you– if you wanted to—" She stuttered again and scolded herself in her mind straight after.

"Will– will you go on a date with me?" She finally spat out, her cheeks flushed a faint red, her gaze fixed on the hardwood floors of his living room.

Loser blinked in surprise, saying nothing for a second before he reached over and placed his hand over hers. He stroked the back of her hand with his thumb, his lips forming a small smile. "I'd like that.."


Saw spun around as she walked down one of the dirt routes leading to the Evil Forest, and was shocked to see Loser and Ruby back where the hotel was. Maybe they were on a date? Or maybe they were just really friendly with each other, who knew? She wasn't one to judge.

She shoved the thought away and turned around to return her focus to the trail ahead; she couldn't be sidetracked while looking for one of her buddies. Which buddy of hers in particular? Clock, who had gone missing a few days before.

They'd built a friendship after he was forgotten by his team, partly because she was nicer than they had been and remembered who he was.

(Even if they had apologized and made amends for all of that, it was clear there were some lingering worries in his mind.)

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