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Originally posted on November 4th, 2019. Yes, I know Four (and the other numbers) are genderless. Four just uses she/they prns, and X uses he/xe (sometimes they). Nonbinary people don't owe anyone gender neutrality.

CWS; profanity, sexual content.
[ third pov ]

Four shot out of their sleep with a quiet gasp, a hand on their chest as she sat beside X, who was sound asleep. She reached over and shook his shoulder, causing him to groan before he glanced up at them with a tired look.

"What is it...?" Xe asked groggily, leaning up on xir elbows to check if she was alright. If the nervous expression on her face was anything to go by, though, they clearly weren't.

"Something's not right! I'm feeling weird all of a sudden," they whined under their breath, fully sitting to grab at X's arm. That prompted him to raise an eyebrow and ask, "What do you mean?"

For a moment, Four was silent as they simply curled in on themselves, moaning in pain. After a second, he tried to place a hand on them, when they caught him off guard by jumping on top of xem.

A startled noise escaped xem, and xe looked up at her, now on his back with the lanky alien straddling his hips. Slightly nervous, he kept his hands to himself. "W-what's gotten into you?"

"Not you," they said in a frustrated tone, moving their face closer to xirs. It allowed X to see the look of pure lust in their eyes, it felt like she was a predator stalking its prey. "Have I ever told you how cute you are when you're like this?"

"I'm...not sure what you mean," he laughed awkwardly.

Her smile turned into a grin, showing off her sharp teeth. "When you're under me, all worried like you couldn't turn me around and—" they stopped themselves mid sentence, pressing a hand to their mouth. "Well, you just are, I guess."

A devilish giggle left them as they leaned to peck xem on the cheek, grinding their hips down on xir growing problem at the same time. X gasped, not expecting the friction, and grasped her waist to stop her from moving.

"Gosh, Four," he said, like it was an R-rated curse. "I'm really flattered you wanna do this–"

"BFB is over, you know you can swear, right?"

He rolled his eyes. "Fine. I'm flattered you want to fuck, but I had no idea you even liked me like..." xe paused, yet she got the gyst of what xe was trying to say, so it didn't matter.

Four crossed their arms as they sighed, their lips forming into a relaxed smile. "I liked you since we made our own show," she said nonchalantly. "If that helps."

It definitely did, judging by the noticeable bulge pressing against her.

"For that long?" Xir cheeks flushed at the thought of them having feelings of any kind besides platonic ones for xem for such a while. "Are you sure you want me?"

"I just tried to get you in the mood," Four deadpanned.

"Right, sorry, dumb question..." He replied as he let go of their hips, letting them slide off of him and tear away their pajamas. Once she was left in her underwear, she climbed back on top of him.

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