6. Unintentional Lies

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This chapter is dedicated to my Wattpad friend 'behindthestripes', she has helped me a LOT with some facts about USA and her story 'The Runaway Trio' is an unpredicatble, different, funny story. Check it out!



Wardrobe Malfunction - A wardrobe malfunction is a euphemism for accidental exposure of intimate parts. One thing that a person faces in this case is extreme public humiliation.

I, standing in the centre of the diner, was feeling the same; just thousand times worse. Though, there were two differences between those celebrities who become the victim of wardrobe malfunctioning and me.

One difference being; they get much more limelight and fame after that; newspapers are flooded with articles about them; they are searched much more on the internet and their humiliation actually increases their popularity by manifolds; while in my case, none of the above mentioned things was going to happen. In fact, my reputation just got entirely depleted and there was no way that I was going to appear in tomorrow's newspaper.

The other and most important difference being; in case of wardrobe malfunction, it is their wardrobe that gets malfunctioned; while here, it was the tongue of the girl standing a few feet away from me that had a serious disease of malfunctioning.

Ever so slowly, I removed my palm from my face and looked at my best friend, Adam, who was looking at me with confusion etched on every feature of his face. I quickly avoided his questioning look and my eyes went to the people in the diner, who came to this place in hopes of a nice lunch which just got sprinkled by my embarrassment. Finally, my eyes landed on the culprit, who was frozen in her spot, looking around with her neck intact and her eye sockets moving from left to right and again left. She definitely realized that she just made a huge blunder.

"C0ndoman-do," she muttered mostly to herself in a low voice, looking deep in thought. My eyebrows scrunched up together in confusion while her eyes lit up and she said loudly, "Commando!" She looked too happy, relieved and proud of her latest brilliant idea of converting 'C0ndom-man' to 'Commando'.

With that bright smile on her face, she took steps towards me and stopped a foot away. She took out her hand in front of me to shake and said, loudly to make everyone hear her, "Good afternoon, Commando Keith." Then she looked around the diner discreetly and I followed her gaze in complete confusion. I noticed that people were looking at us with suspicion. She gave me a pointed look towards her hand when I looked back at her and I immediately shook it.

"Good afternoon, Sergeant Kimberly," I said, equally loud, stressing on Kimberly, knowing too well that she hated being called that.

She ignored it and looked at the spectators. "There are people waiting outside who want to actually eat at this place and not eavesdrop on other's conversations," she told them all and they all quickly looked down at their plates, muttering something or the other.

I chuckled when she looked at me and we pulled our hands away at the same time. "How have you been?" I asked, happiness and surprise in my voice could not be hidden.

"I've been great," she answered, grinning. "What about you?"

"Awesome," I replied.

Before she could say anything else, we got distracted by a slight tap on her shoulder and I realized that she was not alone. She was with a blonde; hot blonde to be more precise, who had medium length wavy hair and hazel eyes.

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