The farm

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Amberlynn blinked in the early morning light as she stirred awake, her mind slowly coming back to full consciousness as the morning sun began to cast its first rays through the window.
She felt a warm presence beside her, and as she opened her eyes, she was greeted by the sight of Kenneth, sleeping peacefully by her side.
A smile spread across her face as she snuggled closer to him, feeling grateful for the warmth and comfort of his presence.
She laid there for a few moments, inhaling the quiet stillness of the morning and relishing the moments they had shared together the night before.

She yawned as she walked into the kitchen, her vision still foggy from sleep. The smell of freshly baked bread and melted cheese filled her nostrils, and she felt her mouth watering at the thought of a bite to eat.
She took a seat at the table next to Kenneth's parents, who were both already deep in conversation.
"Good morning," she greeted them cheerfully, her voice still sounding sleepy. "How are you both?"

Kenneth's parents pivoted their gazes towards Amberlynn as they noticed her presence amongst them.
Mary's smile was warm and radiant, as she greeted her guest with a bright expression. "Oh, hello dear! We were just about to leave you with some breakfast! But it appears as though you have already awakened." Kenneth's mother stated graciously, pausing briefly for a moment before continuing."Is Kenneth still asleep?" She enquired, looking around for him as she expressed her sentiments about his sleep patterns. "Ah, that boy could easily stay in bed all day if no one rouses him!"

Amberlynn chuckled at the mother's comment, taking a seat at the table, joining the parents. "He's a deep sleeper apparently! I'm a not a morning person myself, so i can't really say much."
She settled into her seat and poured herself a cup of coffee, taking a deep breath and enjoying the warmth of the hot beverage. "I'm glad I didn't miss breakfast while it's still warm!" With a smile, she took a large chomp of the savory slices of freshly brewed bread that were dipped into a melting pot of cheese.

Amberlynn watched as Kenneth finally appeared in the kitchen, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He had a bit of a disheveled look about him, and Amberlynn couldn't help but grin, reminded of the fact that this the first morning they will be spending together.
She collected the empty plates from the dining table and stood up, proffering them to Kenneth with a gesture to carry them to the sink.
"Morning there, you ray of sunshine! Looks like you missed breakfast time, huh? Well don't fret too much, you're here just in time for the dish cleaning session, so hop to it!"

"Uh.. what?" Kenneth's facial expression was rife with confusion as he emerged from his slumber and spotted everyone.
While Amberlynn expressed her amusement alongside Kenneth's mother, Abraham produced a playful smirk as he uttered his piece. "Out of all the poor choices you've made in your life Kenny, this one is my favorite."
The noble lady was left in an ambiguous position, unsure of whether Abraham's words constituted a compliment or an insult towards her. However, she ultimately chose to follow in the footsteps of everyone in laughing it off as they all settled into a comfortable position, observing Kenneth, proceeding with his dish cleaning duties.

"So, my dear Amberlynn, have you had the opportunity to milk a cow prior to this occasion?" Mary inquired in an attempt to uncover an activity to pursue in conjunction with Amberlynn, whereby she might further acquaint herself with her son's companion.
Amberlynn beamed with excitement at the prospect of indulging in this pastime, expressing her fervent enthusiasm by stating, "Oh! Truth be known, I've never had such an enlightening experience before! I have frequently desired to partake of such activities, but, owing to my pedigree of being from a prominent lineage, I was invariably prevented from undertaking such amusing pursuits. However, indeed, I surely shall relish the encounter!"

As they emerged from the dwelling, the landscape was marked by a rural atmosphere, the abode being fashioned as a one-story structure, with a small swing located just in front of it, and an outdoor picnic table situated nearby, offering a tranquil atmosphere for a relaxing respite.
Not far from the house was an area with fences, constructed for the purpose of housing several frolicking goats, the place giving off a lively and playful ambiance, as the goats were enjoying their activities to the fullest.

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