The curse

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Theodore remained stationed at the strawberry stand, waiting for the police pursuit to finish.
He watched the two lawmen he had summoned to the market gave chase to the noblewoman and the strawberry vendor, their efforts reminding him of a comedy of errors. He couldn't help but chuckle at the sight, finding the absurd situation extremely entertaining. It was almost too good to be true, as though it were a theatrical performance put on for his amusement alone.
He took hold of a few strawberries from the pile laid in the stand and proceeded to sample them casually as he felt a sense of satisfaction.
It was indeed a small victory after the humiliation Theodore had suffered, the embarrassment of being knocked out by the strawberry vendor still stinging. To see the law exacting some justice on his behalf was most satisfying, and the comical nature of their pursuit provided an added source of amusement.
As he savoured the moment, Theodore smiled to himself, relished in the feeling of sweet revenge.

Theodore found himself growing restless as he gazed at his watch, the minutes crawling by at a glacial pace. His patience was nearly exhausted when he finally spotted the return of the two lawmen, Amberlynn in tow. A grin of satisfaction tugged at his lips, but it quickly faded as he realized that the fruit vendor was nowhere to be seen.
The disappointment of an incomplete victory sapped his spirits. As he watched the lawmen escort the sullen lady away from the market, Theodore glared at her with a scowl, his displeasure evident. The woman, her hands bound behind her back, met his stare with one of her own, before spitting on his shoes as she walked past. Theodore's anger and disgust only deepened at the insult. It was clear that there would be no love lost between the pair.
"Cursed be the woman in front of me!"
His temper flared as he cursed the departed lady, and with a grimace, proceeded to clean his shoes.
As he watched the lawmen escort the woman from view, his anger began to dissipate, replaced by the knowledge that she would soon be spending a cold night in a squalid prison cell. He reveled in the thought of her suffering, a small, twisted victory that brought him some measure of catharsis.

The following day, Theodore made his way to the lawmen headquarters, eager to witness the look of defeat on Amberlynn's face as she sat behind bars. He was confident that it would be a satisfying sight, a well-deserved comeuppance for her insults and derisions. However, his confidence was shaken as he was met with a shocking sight; Amberlynn walking out the front door, free from incarceration.
The realization that she had managed to elude justice hit him like a ton of bricks, and his rage knew no bounds.
The frustration was clear on his face as he struggled to process the turn of events, his emotions turned to absolute wrath when he saw her being led out of the station by some apologetic policeman, escorting her to the carriage that was waiting for her outside.
His mind was reeling with questions as to the reason behind her sudden release.

Theodore swiftly approached the apologetic policeman, his pace quickened as the noblewoman's carriage sped away from the area.
"What the devil is going on here? Why the blazes is she being released?" he demanded, his tone rude and aggressive, his anger clearly evident.
The lawman was visibly taken aback, as he swiftly recognized Theodore, the individual who had sported an impolite and discourteous demeanor before when he had filed the complaint, his expression narrowing as he uttered his explanation."
"She hails from a reputable noble family! Additionally, she hasn't committed any offense significant enough to justify an arrest! Henceforth, we released her! It was the fruit seller who assaulted you, not the noble lady!"

Hearing this, Theodore expressed his anger through a string of curses, "Cursed be the officer in front of me!" He shouted, enraged beyond measure as he sprinted towards his own carriage.
Upon arriving at it, he screamed to the coachman, demanding that he be conveyed to the designated destination. "TAKE ME TO THIS ADDRESS IMMEDIATELY AND RAPIDLY! MAKE HASTE!" he yelled.
Seeing his enraged state, the coachman proceeded to prompt his horses, causing his carriage to speed up its progress towards its new destination.

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