The parents

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Mary's hands moved effortlessly as she picked the clean clothes from the wire drying line. The fragrance of freshly laundered fabric filled the air and wafted through the farmyard, where the barnyard animals, including chickens, cows, and sheep, went about their business of grazing and clucking.
The barn, a simple yet sturdy structure, stood nearby, holding the farming equipment. Mary, feeling the warmth from the sun on her face, smiled softly to herself, enjoying the peaceful country life.
She stood back and admired her home, a small farmstead nestled amidst rolling hills and vast fields.
The smell of fresh cut grass, sun warm on her skin, the breeze whispering through the nearby strawberry trees. A feeling of peace and tranquility envelops Mary, her eyes sparkling with joy and contentment. It was a place she gladly called home.

Mary proceeded towards her spouse, Abraham, as he labored away in the barn, engrossed in his cleaning responsibilities. She could not help but witness his stern expression and intense gaze, which he maintained as he efficiently cleaned the vicinity of the barn.
Without being able to restrain herself, she made an insightful observation regarding his mood. "Someone's in a quite glum humour!"

Abraham fired back at his wife without even pausing or turning to face her, "With a son like yours, how could I ever be in a good spirit?"
Utterly surprised, Mary was left dumbfounded by the harsh declaration her husband had uttered, her jaw dropping in astonishment at his blunt manner and lack of restraint. She was undeniably flabbergasted by his demeanor and attitude, her once radiant mood utterly destroyed with a single sentence.

"He too is your offspring! Your hostility towards him runs deep, while you fail to acknowledge your own similarities to his youthful ways! Do not claim ignorance, Abraham, as it is clear that you also possessed a similar disposition while you were in your younger years!"
Mary expressed her contempt toward his attitude and demeanor, calling him out for his excessive judgment against Kenneth while overlooking his own similar behaviors during his youth.

Abraham took a deep inhale as he ceased his work, shifting his attention and gaze toward his wife. His facial expression remained cold and stony, devoid of any kind of emotion or feeling.
"The origin of Kenneth's misdeeds can only be rooted in your actions, woman! You spoil him too damn much!" He shouted his accusations at her angrily, attempting to hold her responsible for their son's behavior.

Mary's expression turned somber after Abraham's harsh words and accusations, a frown forming upon her face as she dropped the basket of laundry from her hands.
She drew close to him with hasty strides, about to speak, but was suddenly interrupted by the sound of a familiar voice coming from behind.
"Mother! Father! I am back! I have a guest!"
Mary's heart soared with excitement as she saw Kenneth with a companion by his side. A woman? Her son was bringing a girl home? Her mood immediately went from one of misery to one of joy and pride.

Thrilled to welcome their visitor, she took particular care to ensure the lady was made to feel at home and well-comfortable in their modest abode. The words of her husband faded into oblivion, her focus redirected to the overwhelming delight resulting from her son's presence and the female companion he had brought to home.

Abraham maintained his calm and neutral facial expressions as he tried his best to be the "man of the house" he thought his role demanded.
He couldn't afford to show his emotions, knowing that any expression of his true feelings could be perceived as weakness or lack of discipline, even if it meant stripping away the very essence of who he used to be as a person.

The moment he spotted Kenneth in the company of a lady, a wave of nostalgia washed over him. He remembered the first time he had introduced Mary to the farm, the love and joy shared between them palpable as they navigated the unfamiliar setting and worked alongside one another to build their lives together.

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