The nobleman

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Amberlynn took her time to react to her dog's action, taking few seconds before she calmly told the dog to stop.
She attempted to hold back her laughter, but her facial expression displayed a slight hint of amusement.
The dog finally released its grip on the nobleman's hand and slowly withdrew.
Theodore on the other hand, was still clutching his bleeding, red hand.
He was furious and in pain, both physically and emotionally. He glared up at the woman and her dog, his rage burning brightly.
"Cursed be the canine in front of me!" He let out a stream of profanities as he retreated away from Amberlynn and her dog.
"No wonder why no one wants you! No wonder you're alone and single!" He shouted at the woman even as he continued to get away from her. "No man would dare to associate himself with such a...such an imbecile and that...that hell hound of yours!"

The young woman sighed as she closed the door behind him. She rolled her eyes at the man's remarks, clearly not taking them seriously.
She didn't bother responding to his insults, and instead, chose to ignore them.
She sat down on the sofa, taking in a deep breath and relaxing her tense muscles.
She was glad that the encounter was over, and now she could be left alone with her dog and her thoughts.

Amberlynn closed her eyes, mentally trying to block out the words of that nobleman.
His insults had stung, especially the remark about no man wanting to be with her.
She didn't want to let it get to her, but she couldn't help but wonder if there was some truth behind those words. After all, she was a single lady living alone. What if he was right and no man really could endure her wild free spirit?

She let out a soft chuckle as her dog Winston jumped onto her lap and began licking her face.
His gentle, caring gestures cheered her up, making her feel much better.
Winston's unconditional love and affection were a source of comfort, as she had no one else but him.
She gave all her attention to Winston, running her hands through his soft hair and stroking his head lovingly.
She smiled warmly at her dog as She uttered her words of affection for him, "Well who needs a man when they have a doggie like you? Huh? Isn't that right Winston? Isn't that right?"
Winston continued to lick her hands and face excitedly, clearly enjoying being showered with her love and attention.

The early morning sounds of roosters crowing gently woke Amberlynn up as she was lying in bed, snuggled up next to her dog.
The rising sun had begun to fill the sky with soft light, heralding the start of a new day.
Amberlynn let out a contented sigh as she watched the golden rays illuminate the room.
She shifted in the bed, and Winston's head rose to meet hers as he sensed her movement. He gave her an excited, welcoming look, clearly happy that she was awake.

She walked into the kitchen, her dog by her side. Amberlynn noticed that she was running out of food. She swiftly grabbed some kibble and carefully poured it into her dog's bowl.
Winston's tail was wagging excitedly and his tongue was hanging out of his mouth as he ate, Amberlynn's heart warmed as watched him enjoy his meal. However, the sight of a letter sitting on the entryway table caught her eye and piqued her curiosity.
She left Winston to his breakfast and made her way over to the letter, examining it more closely.
The handwriting on the outside of the envelope caught her attention, instantly making her recognize the sender.
As she ripped open the seal, she wondered what could possibly be written inside.

It was a letter from her father, a wealthy nobleman with high status and class. He was also the same man who had always been distant to her ever since her mom had passed away.
Amberlynn had always loved her father, but she had never been close to him.
Although he had never been present in her life on a personal level as much as she would've liked, he had always been there for her financially and made sure she had everything she needed.

She finally opened the letter, feeling excited about hearing from him after a while.
She was always happy when receiving letters from him as it made her feel that he was still thinking about her and wanted to reach out and check on her.
She took her time as she read through the writing, eager to know what he had to tell her.
She had been smiling at the beginning as she read about her father's life updates.
However, her smile quickly faded away when she came upon the part where he mentioned it was time for her to find a husband and that he had already picked out a suitable candidate for her to marry.
She was far from interested in such a blind arranged marriage, and her frustration only grew with each passing line that she read.

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