The market

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Her face closed up and she avoided eye contact with him, clearly disliking his presence.
"What a coincidence Amberlynn! I definitely didn't follow you all the way down here in order to apologize for yesterday!" Theodore continued on, a small smile etched on his face, hoping for even a glimmer of a laugh from Amberlynn. However, when her laughter didn't come, the smile on his face faltered and he continued on with a serious expression. " I am not very proud of my behavior yesterday. I know that I said some hurtful things about you and your dog, and for that, I truly apologize. I know that your canine is a very well-loved member of your household, and that my words might have been a bit insensitive. Perhaps it's time for your dog to undergo some professional training, just to make sure that something similar doesn't happen again in the future, and if you allow me, I would like to help you find a trainer for your beloved dog."
Amberlynn gave him a cold stare, clearly annoyed with him despite his desperate attempt at an apology.
She wouldn't let anyone talk that way about her dog, she responded with some sass, which only added fuel to the fire.
"Well, maybe I'll accept your apology when you offer to train my dog yourself! Or aren't you a man enough to do it?" She chuckled as she looked at him up to toes. "Ehh.. Not very manly I see" She forced a smile. "Now, Excuse me.. I have some ladies business to attend to.. It's for ladies only. Although you'll fit right in with your ladylike energy."

Theodore saw red as he had reached the limit of his patience.
He couldn't hold himself back from getting physical this time. His rage was at an all-time high, and he became even more irate when the woman said what she said. "Lady like? Huh? How's that for lady like?"He toke the fruit bag from her hand and dropped all her strawberries on the ground.
"You are nothing but a whore! A cheap nasty dirty little whore! Yes you heard me! How else can an incompetent, useless woman such as yourself afford a large manor on her own without a man? Unless if she was sharing her bed with a bunch of men!"

The nobleman's words pierced through Amberlynn's heart like a stake. As he accused her of sharing her bed with various men, her rage was boiling and she could no longer tolerate his insults.
A sudden fit of rage overcame her, and without thinking she slapped the nobleman across his face.
The People at the market immediately took notice and stared at the two of them, startled by what had just happened.

Theodore was beyond furious at this point, his heart racing and his blood boiling.
His eyes were fixated on the woman, ready to return her slap with double the force.
As he moved his hand and prepared to launch a powerful slap, his wrist was suddenly caught mid-air in a strong grip.
It was the fruit seller who had caught his wrist, blocking the nobleman's move and preventing him from slapping the woman back.
Theodore was completely stunned and his eyes were wide as he stared at the fruit seller. His anger quickly grew into confusion as to why he was stepping in like this.
The noble spoke with rage and arrogance, as he looked down on the strawberry vendor. "How dare you lay your filthy hand on me, peasant?!"
Amberlynn interfered and defended the fruit vendor, which only made the nobleman even more furious.
Theodore attempted to swing his other fist and hit the fruit seller, but only for his arm to once again get blocked.
The two men were locked in a fierce struggle, with each attempting to gain the upper hand over the other in a battle for dominance.
The crowd was stunned and watched on in disbelief, eager to figure out what was happening and who would win.

The fruit seller was quick to react and took the opportunity to head butt the nobleman hard, knocking him down onto the ground in front of the crowd.
The audience was stunned at the display, and some were even startled into a hush and silence due to the impact of the head butt.
The nobleman was out cold on the ground, his face bloodied and his nose injured from the hard hit.

The fruit seller spat on the unconscious nobleman as he spoke."How's that for a peasant?" The young man's voice held a mocking tone as he made fun of the noble.
He looked at the crowd this time as he spoke. "Looks like he's off to the dreamland! Guess It's his bedtime already! Boy didn't even need his bedtime story!"
Everyone laughed, amused by the situation and those insults towards the nobleman.
Amberlynn's eyes met the fruit seller's as she stood amongst the crowd watching the spectacle with glee and excitement.
She finally approached the victorious man, not breaking eye contact as she walked towards him.

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