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A/N- hey guys I had this idea in the shower hope u like

also in this ur a child of aphrodite


In camp halfblood, the aphrodite cabin was basically the resident beauty salon. Need a haircut? Aphrodite cabin. Want your nails done? Aphrodite Cabin.

However, the Aphrodite kids had to be paid for their services and in camp halfblood money has no value so they take trades instead. They take things like trinkets of value, necessities they might need, their clients dessert for the night, etc.

However, usually the Aphrodite kids don't expect kids who don't care so much about beauty. Children of Athena, children of Hephaestus, children of Ares, etc.

So imagine Y/n, surprise when Clarisse La Rue, daughter of Ares, THE Ares kid walked up to her bed one day.

"I heard you do hair," She stated.

Y/n sat up from her comfortable state relaxing in her bed to face the Ares girl. She seemed a bit uncomfortable being there with her arms crossed, looking around wearily.

"Yeah, what's it to ya?" Y/n asked, fully expecting to be asking for one of her siblings or friends or something.

"I want braids," She finished.

"Oh," Y/n said, slightly surprised, "Well I don't do hair for free. Especially not a service like braids that takes forever and it's a lot of work," She said, looking up at the girl.

"What do you want," Clarisse sighed.

"What do you have," Y/n said, cocking an eyebrow.

"What do you need," Clarisse said, narrowing her eyes at the smaller girl.

damn this girl is scary. Y/n thought for a moment. "How about... i'll braid your hair whenever you want... if you give me a lesson in fighting whenever I want," Y/n smirked.

Clarisse hesitated a moment, looking confused, "What?"

"I want fighting lessons," The Aphrodite girl repeated.

Clarisse began to laugh, "YOU want fighting lessons?? An Aphrodite kid?"

Y/n scoffed at the girl, "Hey, just because i'm pretty doesn't mean I don't want to know how to fight. Besides, I didn't question why you want to look pretty, Ares girl," She said, narrowing her eyes at her.

Clarisse began to calm herself, "Fine. I'll give you fighting lessons if you braid my hair," She said.

"Yay!" Y/n cheered, jumping up to lead Clarisse to her vanity.

Clarisse sat down in her chair and Y/n got to work, prepping and sectioning off her hair.

After a couple minutes of working, Clarisse spoke up, "Yknow... us Ares kids like to look pretty too," She murmured.

"And us Aphrodite kids like to fight too," Y/n snapped back.

"Alright, i'm sorry. I guess I just stereotyped you, I wasn't expecting for you to want lessons. I've never taught anybody before," She said, looking at Y/n in the mirror in front of her.

"I'm sorry too. It's hard for us Aphrodite kids to get good fighting lessons around here because our raw fighting abilities aren't as good as everybody else's. We need a more private environment, focused on us if we want to improve," She stated.

"I see," Clarisse said thoughtfully, "I'll try my best," She said.


After Y/n and Clarisse's little braiding session, they had become... friends you could say. Whenever Clarisse saw her siblings picking on the Aphrodite kids, she made them lay off. And if Y/n and Clarisse ever saw each other in public, they'd always smile at each other.

Y/n noticed that Clarisse had a more confident air to her after she braided her hair. Y/n thought she looked so pretty, seeing her embrace her beauty.

Clarisse and Y/n agreed to meet on an empty field, slightly secluded from camp just before dinner time for their first fighting lesson.

"Alright... uh I guess other than a spear, i'm good with a sword so i'll teach you that," Clarisse said, handing Y/n a sword.

"So I guess it would benefit you to get defense down before anything else so you're not helpless when your opponent takes the offensive," Clarisse lectured, assuming a stance.

The two trained for about a half hour before Clarisse decided to take a small break.

Clarisse smiled at the Aphrodite girl, "Yknow, you put yourself down back at your cabin. You're a natural," She said, looking at the Aphrodite girl.

"Really?" Y/n smiled.

"Yeah," Clarisse nodded, "Except, maybe if you fixed your stance slightly..." She trailed off as she went behind Y/n.

Clarisse began to gently grab Y/n's waist, moving her hips to fix her stance. Y/n blushed at her closeness, feeling the taller girls breath on her neck. She was in a sort of trance until she realized Clarisse wasn't moving. She turned her head to face her, Clarisse hands still on her waist. The pair's faces were inches apart. They were staring into each other's eyes.

Clarisse pulled back, flustered, "A-anyway, you can strike more e-efficiently that way," she finished, her face beat red from their encounter.

Y/n smirked. She could admit she thought the Ares girl was cute. She wanted to see where this would go. She was an Aphrodite kid after all.

"I'll tell you one thing that I didn't know about you Ares kids," She said slyly, stepping just a little closer to her.

"Ahem, yes?" Clarisse asked, finally gaining her cool back.

"I didn't think you guys had game," Y/n finished coyly, grabbing the Ares girl's hands to wrap them around her waist again.

The Aphrodite girl snaked her arms around the girls neck, their faces inches apart yet again. Clarisse's face was beat red, yet again but... she wasn't moving from her position. In fact, her eyes went from wide to lidded, looking down into the shorter Aphrodite girl's.

"You're not using your charm powers on me, are you?" Clarisse asked.

Y/n chuckled, "Nope, your feelings are real, honey," she responded.

Clarisse smirked slightly as she leaned down and pressed her lips to Y/n's. Y/n was surprised, she was fully expecting her charms (not the power the actual thing... idk u get what I mean) to make Clarisse weak at the knees. She was expecting to have to make the first move as the Aphrodite kid. Yet, in this whole encounter, she hadn't made the first move at all.

Y/n submitted to the kiss, closing her eyes, letting herself feel Clarisse's body against hers. It felt so right. Their mouths danced against each other and just as it was about to escalate, Clarisse pulled away.

Clarisse smirked at the wide eyed girl in front of her, mouth swollen. Y/n couldn't stop thinking how fine she was. She was fully expecting her to go in for more but she only turned around and started walking towards the mess hall.

"I didn't expect for me to be able to make an Aphrodite girl melt at my touch," Clarisse yelled back at the girl.

Y/n stood there wide eyed , stunned from this encounter. She had never been so... submissive like that. She had never been left craving more like that. She loved it.

In the next few weeks the kids at camp halfblood were surprised. As they never expected an Ares girl and an Aphrodite girl to get together.


A/N- sooo I didn't mean for it to go in that direction but I kinda like it 🤷‍♀️

it's different from like the fluff I usually write but I hope u like it

anyway that's all I have for u guys see u later!!

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