Butterflies (Literally)

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For this chapter's sake you are a daughter of Demeter sorry it just goes best with this chapter

Your POV

During the summer, camp was blooming with strawberries. I had never seen a farm that had bigger strawberries than camp half-blood. But that could also be because us children of Demeter grant a little help.

As a child of Demeter, naturally I am drawn to natue (see what I did there? NATURally? okay I'll stop). The butterflies love to stop by at this time of year.

Camp half-blood during the summer has perfect conditions for butterflies. It's humid,  nobody goes near the strawberry fields unless they have business there, and well, there are strawberries!

I love to look at butterflies. They're such graceful creatures. They delicately flap through the air. And as well as being beautiful, they help pollinate the environment too!

I always love to visit the strawberry fields to study them. Well, I say study but I just mean I watch them or occaisionally sketch them.

This particular day, I decided to go in the afternoon after my archery practice. We got off early so I got to go earlier than expected.

I sat down on the prickly grass, criss cross apple sauce and immediately spotted a pretty white butterfly.

I watched as it danced through the air, landing on a strawberry ever so often.

I was peacefully thinking when I heard a familiar pair of feet trudge towards me. I turned my head to see Clarisse and I smiled at her.

She plopped down next to me and I could feel the anger radiating off of her. I figured Percy probably ticked her off and decided to ignore how angry she was and continue to watch the butterflies. Her bursts off anger always go away within a couple minutes.

"What're you doing?" She asked me after a while.

I looked over at her and she was no longer pouting which meant she wasn't angry anymore. "Just watching the butterflies. It's peaceful." I replied, looking away from her to watch a particular monarch.

She turned to look at the couple of butterflies floating through the fields and gave a hum of satisfaction. "I guess it is." She said.

We both watched them together for a little while but the silence began to become awkward. "They're kind of like you." She said, laying down on her back on the grass.

I turned to look at her. "Hm? What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

She nodded her head toward the fields. "The butterflies. They remind me of you." She clarified.

I chuckled. "How so?" I asked with a smirk, turning to look back at a butterfly that was pollenating a strawberry that hadn't grown yet.

"They're all graceful and pretty, like you. And they grow flowers too." She said, still looking at the butterflies.

I blushed and turned to look at her. "Actually they pollinate flowers. I grow them. A bit different, sweetheart." I said, teasing her.

She blushed and looked away from me at that last word. "Whatever. I only compliment you and you won't even take them." She muttered.

I chuckled and leaned towards her. I used my powers to swirl a vine around her hair and grow a flower just on her forehead. "Sorry." I said, kissing her on the nose, "Thank you." I said, with a smile.

Clarisse was now bright red, not saying anything. We both continued to watch the butterflies, the sun setting in the background.

"I told you." She said after regaining her confidence. I turned to face her. "Graceful." She said with a smirk.

I snickered at that. Such a flirt.

Her eyes widened as a butterfly landed on the flower I had grown on her forehead. I giggled silently. "Don't move." I said reaching out towards the butterfly.

I held out my finger for it and it crawled onto my index finger. I pulled it closer to my face to get a better look at it. It had a shiny blue wing pattern.

Clarisse got up to get a look at it too, the flower falling off of her head.

It stayed on my finger for a bit, slowly flapping its wings until it flew away, slightly hitting me in the face before fluttering into the sunset.

I yelped when it hit me and me and Clarisse both turned to watch it fly away, giggling.

"I think that one's like you." I said, with a smile, her smiling back.


Hi! I think this one's really cute it came to me last night as I was tryna fall asleep lol I rlly like it.

pls leave requests here just in case I run out of ideas lol

word count- 791

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