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Your POV

It was a monday. Me and Clarisse were a fairly new couple so we planned to do a sword training session  together today. I don't think all the other half-bloods in the session liked it though because- well- let's just let the situation speak for itself.

three hours earlier

"I can't believe the whole time we've been at camp together we've never been in a single training session together." I said to Clarisse as we were walking towards the sword training grounds.

She laughed slightly, "Probably because our skill sets are so different." She replied. She was probably right but of course I had to flirt back.

"Well, they do say opposites attract." I said, winking at her. She just pursed her lips and looked away which usually meant she was blushing.

I take every chance I can to get Clarisse flustered. I think it's funny that nobody can do it but me. It's extremely cute too.

We walked to the huddle of half-bloods on the training ground who were waiting for the session to start where Quintus was talking to them.

"Ah, y/n and Clarisse." Quintus greeted, "We're just waiting for a few more and then we can get started." He smiled.

Me and Clarisse talked with the group before waiting for the remaining students. By talk I mean I had to keep Clarisse from fighting a bunch of people but you get the gist.

Quintus had rows of dummies lined up for everybody to train and each of us stepped up to one to start whacking at 'em.

Quintus walked around occaisionally correcting people or shouting out a correction for everybody in the session.

I usually just used my powers when fighting monsters but I also carried a sword with me just in case. I'm okay at weilding weapons but I'd say I'm best with a sword. I wouldn't say I'm THE best but I'm fairly good with a sword.

Quintus grants you one water break per training session that you can take on your own time so I dropped my sword at the foor of my dummy to save my spot and went to where I left my water.

I sat on the grass and watched everybody else train while gulping down my water. I think we all know my mind immediately went to Clarisse though.

Her hair in her pony tail was swinging with each move she made. She was ruthless, yet graceful. Her skin glistening in the sunlight. Mostly from sweating but hey, it was still pretty hot.

I hadn't even realized I was staring until Quintus came over. "Hey, are you okay? You've been here for a while. You're not gonna pass out, are you?" He asked.

My face immediately heated up. I hadn't realized I'd been staring at Clarisse for that long. "Oh- oh yeah! I'm good, sorry!" I laughed nervously, quickly stumbling to get up from where I was sitting.

I ran back over to the dummy, completely embarrassed and probably very red. Whoopsies.

After a while I think Clarisse decided to take her water break too because she was now standing right next to me, water in hand.

After a while of watching me she said, "Here, try it like this." She put her hands on my waist and started to shift my body.

She used her leg to push on of my feet outwards and make my stance wider. Then, she took her hands off my waist and put them on my hands that were on my sword to move them farther apart. "This way you'll have more control." She stated.

But she didn't take her hands off me. Not until we heard somebody shout, "Stop flirting with eachother!!" Clarisse immediately took her hands off me.

We looked over and it was none other than Travis Stoll. We were both as red as tomatoes.

Clarisse started to trudge towards him. "I'll kill you, Stoll!!" She shouted.

I giggled. "He's so dead." I whispered to myself.

Overall, I'd say today's sword training session was pretty successful.


Kind of a shorter one today but I like it. I've written three of these over the past two days. Inspiration keeps slapping me in the face ya'll omg. Again, thanks for reading!!

word count- 716

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