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In the morning when Amelia got up she couldn't see Alice.She went to the Charlie's room to asked where is she.She knocked the door but Pitts opened it. "Oh hi mate good morning.Why are you here?"Amelia asked. "We did a study group last night and all of us sleep at some point."he said jokingly. "Yeah sure."she laughed. "I was wondering if Charlie could know where is Alice,maybe?"she said. "What do you mean 'where is Alice?' isn't she at the room?"
Amelia replied "No,when i woke up she wasn't at the-"

She stopped when she saw Neil appearing. "Good morning.Amelia can we talk?Please?"
he asked "Go ahead."she replied.

Neil was looking at Charlie. "Oh,i guess-i should go anyways.You guys talk."he ran away.

"So what do you wanna talk about?"she asked like nothing have happened. "Are you really gonna be like nothing ever happened?"he said.

"You were the one who kissed me back,i mean what were expecting after i saw you too in library?" Amelia said with a numb face. "Yes but did you ever thought of why did i kiss you back?"Neil was getting closer while saying these.

Amelia was nervous.Nervous about the air between them and the way he stood closer made her feel different.

"I don't know.You never kissed anyone before or should i say you never had a female friend except Alice?Actually Alice shouldn't be an exception,right?"she said sarcastically.

He wasn't know how to reply to those words.He was like he can't express his feeling towards her. "Look i know it hurt you or something but it made me feel bad.I really didn't want to do that to you.I am not in anything with Alice except friendship."

"Really.You sure about that,first you make me feel wonderful and the other day in the middle of the night you met with Alice and hug her?" Amelia said she couldn't control it.

"Hey."Alice said "I went to the lake to be alone.Uhm Amelia can we talk privately please i need to tell you something?" while Alice said that Neil and Alice shared an eye contact,they both looked nervous. "Sure i guess."Amelia said and went to their dorm.

"Go ahead what do you wanna say?"Amelia asked and crossed her arms in her chest. "Could you sit please?"Alice said.

"Look firstly i wanna count on you about that could you promise me to not tell anyone about anything we are going to talk about here?"Alice said seriously. "Okay"Amelia said she was confused about what's going on.

"Look.I am not trying anything with Neil.I know him for ages and i never felt anything to him.I can't,even if i wanted to."Alice said the last sentence quietly. "What do you mean by 'even if i wanted to'? What is that supposed to mean?"Amelia asked she was really confused.

"I am-. I... I like girls"Alice said quietly.

"YOU WHAT?!"Amelia shouted she couldn't controlled herself. "Shoot sorry.I was- i was just,not expecting this exactly."she was shocked about what she just learned.

"Omg why didn't you tell me soon?I wouldn't be mad to you nor Neil."Amelia said calmly.
"I just-i didn't know how you would react because just Neil knows it and i wasn't sure if you would think that i like you.Because most people thinks in that way for the people like me."she said it was so obvious from her voice that she was upset.

"Look Alice i am so sorry for everything.Really i thought that you guys were a thing and i don't know it just freaked me out.I am sorry."Amelia said she felt bad for her.She made her feel like it was all her fault.

"Don't apologies.You didn't know."Alice said. "So uhm what were you guys doing in the library in that day?"she wanted to know this in fact. "We talked about the girl i liked in my old boarding school her school was close here,but i found out that her parents made her go to a Swiss boarding school just because they figured out she was gal-pal as they said."Alice explained she was about the cry while saying these things.

"Alice i am so sorry."she went to her and hugged her tightly. "I don't care anymore it's not like i am going to see her in my lifetime again."Alice said...

After that they talked about these stuff and Neil.And they get ready for classes.
As their last lesson was starting Amelia was looking her books as she opened her maths book she found a note. 'Meet me at our spot in the garden at 9pm. N.P.'
She looked at Neil,he was already looking at her.
It was 08.48 p.m. she was going to garden.As she walked outside she found Neil sitting at the place they've talked.

He turned his head and saw her. "Uhm Hello"
"Hello" they both stayed in silence.After Neil said "Look uhm Alice said that she told you what she is.I don't want you to feel bad about me.And i wanted to express you something, the first day you kissed me,i felt something inside me.I don't know if it's love,i never loved anyone before.But you just made me feel different,special.And i don't wanna lose this feeling."he said as he was looking at her,she was speechless. "Look you don't need to sa-"

As he was talking he cut off by Amelia's kiss.Amelia was kissing him...

As they were both breathless they break the kiss.They were both looking at each other with a little smile on their face's.

"I'll see you tomorrow,Neil." Amelia said and went to Charlie's dorm.

"CHARLIE WE KISSED"she shouted as soon as she came inside.Charlie's sleep was cut off by her knocking at his door. "Oh were you sleeping?" she asked.

"I was studying but i fell asleep now tell me what happened."he said as they both sit the beds.Charlie looked tired.
She told him everything he was shocked. "Are we sure that this is not one of my dreams?" he asked non-surely. "Slap me." he said. "What?"she was confused. "Why would i-"
"Slap me." she breathed out and slapped him.
"Oh shit.This isn't a dream."he said and a smile approached in his face.

A/N:Good days've started<3

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