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Amelia woke up before the alarm when she looked to time she saw 05:27 she got up and went to the bedroom to wash her face etc.

She went to her room and dressed up then went to the common room where she found Neil sleeping in the couch.She looked at him for 1-2 minutes then turned back to the door but when she opened it,it made a huge noise and it made Neil got up.When he saw Amelia he called out her name but she didn't replied and went outside.
All of the students were in class it was Mr.Keating class again.Amelia thought it wasn't that bad.From the morning she didn't talked to anybody then Charlie came "How was your night,slick?After that kiss,you liked it don't you?"he winked at her. "Get the fuck away Charlie.I am not in the mood."she complained. "Hey you good?"now he was sitting in the front desk. "You think?"she said.

"Hey what happened-" as he was asking Mr.Keating came to class "We're gonna talk about it." he said and went back to his desk.

As from the begging of the class Amelia couldn't focus.She was thinking about everything,Neil.She was thinking about the kiss and their hug.Her head was a whole mess.Mr.Keating call out her name. "Amelia can you read the page 258 for us?"
"Yes sure. 'When i saw you I fell in love,and you smiled because you knew it.'"She read.
"Yes.What do you guys think about that?"Keating asked to class.
Neil answered "This is from William Shakespeare.This quote is about love at first sight."
Mr.Keating asked again then

"Yes excellent.So the question is do you guys believe the love at first sight?Ms.Williams could you answer that?"Everybody turned their head to Amelia.Including Neil,they made eye contact then Amelia answered "I have no cule about it Captain,i never had experience this."she said then looked at Neil again.Neil got up and answered

"I kinda believe the love at first sight Mr- Captain."He corrected then continued "You can understand that you like someone but you can't fall for them at the first sight.If you fall for them at the first sight that wouldn't be love because it means that you fall her look not her personality."he said he was trying to look at Amelia at the point but she didn't said or do anything.It was like it didn't affect her at any point.

"Thank you Mr.Perry i guess you experienced this huh?Really sure about that?"Keating said smiling while looking at Amelia.She was kinda shocked;she didn't knew that,he knew about the 'thing'.Then the bell ring and all student went to the dinner.
Amelia was running away from Charlie but she couldn't.Charlie found her and forced her to talk.She said everything to him.

"So is it like you fancy him?"he asked confusingly. "I have no clue."
"Oh i get it.But Alice and him just not you know?" Charlie said. "I mean they knew each other for years and i mean just no they can't be i am sure you understand it wrong?"charlie continued.

"I don't think so mate."Amelia said sarcastically. "Hey don't let them beat your mood it's just a man.I know he is my best friend but fuck it,forget it." he said and they both laughed. "Easy for you to say it."she said while smiling.
"Oh fuck it wanna listen Elvis?"Charlie asked.Amelia couldn't stay serious and burst into laughing it became so absurd. "Sure she said.He handed her one of the earplug things.

And then he saw Neil looking at them with a disappointment in his eyes.It made Charlie felt bad but he was feeling bad about Amelia too. "Hey uh wanna go back to dorms i just remembered i had to write something to my parents?"Charlie lied to Amelia,she agreed and they went back to their dorms.
Amelia sit at her bed and started reading her favorite book "Sense and Sensibility".As soon as she started boon she heard the door knock.She hated it.She hated whenever she starts to listen music or read a book someone or something should bother her.

She opened the door and saw...Todd. "Oh hey Todd.How are you?" she asked him,she wasn't really hating the situation right now.She liked Todd he was always so nice to everyone. "I am good thanks.I'd like to talk to you about something."
'Yeah sure c'mon in' she said.

They both sit and Todd began talking "Amelia, i know that you probably don't wanna talk about it but i can't hold myself anymore look Amelia after last night Neil is not like himself.It has been weeks since i know him so i don't know him very well either but i've never seen him so upset in that time.He said he doesn't wanna talk about it but i get it after a while.Look it's so obvious that you both like each other.Don't push him Ame,he likes you,he really does."Amelia stayed in silence.She already knew the things he said but she just couldn't accept these.

"I'll give you time to think Ok?But just think of that okay?"He said to her and then went back to his dorm.

Now she was all alone with her thoughts.It was miserable for her.She wanted to went to sleep but she had to go to the dinner so she got up and went downstairs.
She sit next to Meeks and started talking with him in the rest of the dinner she sometimes talked with others -mostly Charlie- but that was it.She turned to look at Neil but she saw he was whispering something to Alice she become more angry to them.Or jealous,she wasn't knew.They both looked worried.She finished her meal as soon as possible and went back to her dorm to study.

After an hour Alice came and started writing something quickly.Amelia couldn't help but being curious.She doesn't wanted to ask before she even asked Alice told her.

"I know you don't wanna talk with me but i don't care.My parents decided to get a divorce i am writing to them."Alice said.
Alice have talked about her parents to Amelia.She knew that her family wasn't like a family.She always told her that their house was more miserable than Hell-ton.

Even if she was angry to her she felt quite bad about her. "I am sorry about your parents."Amelia said quietly. "Thanks"Alice said it was obvious from her voice that she was confused.

"I am going to sleep"Alice said.
"Okay."Amelia simply said and went to bed too.

A/N:I am trying to do the chapters longer.Btw please don't forget to vote.<3

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