Chapter 5- Baby Boy

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Michael would be in his very little headspace so this chapter would be written mostly in Ella's POV and if the need arises to add other POVs it would be well signified.

Ella's POV....

I asked Lizzy's mum if she could tell Michael's aunt that she would need Michael for a week and if she could also tell the school that four of us won't be in school because we'd be going somewhere and would be back soon. She obliged and surprisingly both Michael's aunt and the school agreed, which means I had Michael to myself for a week and the best part was he was going to be my baby boy.  *squeals* I couldn't wait for my first day with my very own "little" little. Having Lizzy as a best friend and seeing how much fun she and Louis always had and how Louis always made her feel very happy and she always made Louis feel special, I had always wanted a little of my own to take care of and now I have a "little" little, who would have ever expected that my biggest crush ever would be my baby boy. I laid on the bed near my boy who was asleep and thought about how much fun this week would be.                   
..........The next morning.............
 I woke up very early because as expected I couldn't really sleep due to my excitement. When i woke up I decided to wake Lizzy up but knowing Lizzy can also be a little fussy if she is awaken when she's not ready to wake up, I decided to meet her mum instead.

Me: Good Morning Ma [my mum always said it's good to be formal]

Lizzy's Mum: Oooh, Ella it's you, you scared me for a minute, morning dear. What's up? Why you up this early?

Me: I'm just so excited you know about Michael, he's gonna be my little and the best part is he's gonna be in his very little headspace. I just thought I'd come help you do a few things before he wakes up.

Lizzy's Mum: Awwn, that's so nice of you Ella but I actually don't need any help this morning, rather I'm gonna go to the store to get some things for that baby yours, like diapers, bibs, pacifiers, a crib, changing mats, play pens, formulae, baby food, toys, mittens, and some cute outfits, and of course a high chair since we only have one, you know things a little would need.

Me: *I jump to hug her* Oh My God Janet, thank you so much.

Lizzy's Mum (Janet): Awwn, of course anytime, besides I know Lizzy and her son are only agreeing to share because you guys are close friends if not she would have been very angry, so let's not take advantage of that. When he wakes up there's still some food in the pantry enough for him and Louis but right now I gotta go in order to beat crowd. 

And with that she was off. I sat on the couch and after a while I heard Louis up so I knew Lizzy was up as well. I went up to check on them and of course to check if my baby was still asleep and he was. "Morning Liz, Morning Louis" I said as I got into Lizzy's room and saw that Louis was with her as well. "Ewwa" Louis greeted back as he gave me a big hug. "Awwn, did you sleep well Lou?" I asked hugging the boy back. "Uh, huh, I swept vewy good" he said jumping up and down. It was at this point that Lizzy finally got up, "Morning, Ella. Did you get a chance to talk with Michael yesterday?" "Yeah, I did and well let's say he's gonna be my baby for a whole week" I said blushing. "Mommy, Lou Lou hungwy" Louis said as he was practically pulling Lizzy out of the room to make him breakfast. "Lou wait a minute, we gotta get you changed before you can have breakfast, your diaper is soaking wet." Lizzy said. "Nuh uh, me hungwy me wan eat wow" a very hungry and frustrated Louis said. "No Louis, don't argue with me. You don't want a diaper rash now do you. So wait lemme change you then we would go down for breaky" Lizzy said in a rather commanding 'mummy' voice.  "Awight, sowwy mummy" Louis said with teary eyes. I decided to step in seeing Louis was actually beginning to cry. "Liz, why don't you go down and make breakfast for Louis while I change his diaper, that way he wouldn't have to wait after changing before he eats, once he comes downstairs he comes downstairs he can eat" I said. "That's a great idea, Lou aunty Ella would change you now, while mummy would go and make your breakfast okay" Lizzy said as she walked downstairs to go make him breakfast. I carried Louis into the nursery and lay him down on the changing table. Louis was actually used to me changing him, but for some reason as I was changing him, he began struggling with me. "Louis, I know you're hungry but you just gotta calm down and let me change you, the sooner we get through, the sooner you can go downstairs and eat" I said in very understanding voice. The boy eventually gave in as tears started rolling down his cheeks. I could tell something was wrong but I just quickly changed him and took him downstairs to meet his mummy. As soon as I got downstairs food was ready, I placed him in his highchair and Lizzy was about wearing him his bib when she saw his face and asked me why he was crying. I told her I didn't know and as soon as she was about asking Louis what happened I heard my boy crying from the room and I quickly sprung upstairs to check if he was alright. 

Lizzy's POV....

Well, I was woken up today by a very excited Louis, he was basically jumping around in his crib when I went to the nursery to pick him up. I brought him to my room to see if he'd sleep back if he laid in bed with me but I was wrong he kept tossing about and making noise, so much noise that Ella came into the room to check on us. When I finally got up, I asked Ella if she had spoken to Michael the previous night and luckily she did, the better part was she had him as her own baby boy for a week, I was so happy for her. Before I could even tell her how happy I was, I heard Louis say "Mummy I'm hungry", well it's understandable for him to be hungry at this time I mean it was about 9am and he hadn't eaten anything since 9pm last night, so I told him I needed to change him out his soaking diaper but he became very fussy and demanding I give him food right then but I wasn't having that, I told him in my most commanding voice ever "No Louis, don't argue with me. You don't want a diaper rash now do you. So wait lemme change you then we would go down for breakfast." I could see the tears in his eyes but I couldn't let him go downstairs and eat with a wet diaper but luckily Ella came up with an idea. She suggested changing Louis while I go make him breakfast so that's what we did, she took Louis to the nursery while I went into the kitchen to make him breakfast. I decided to make him fruit mash up, with his favorite fruits- apples, bananas and grapes and I placed them all in some yoghurt. As soon as I was done, Ella came downstairs with Louis and placed him in his highchair, as I about to place his bib on him, I saw he had been crying and asked Ella what exactly happened to him, she said she didn't know but before I could question her further, Michael woke up crying and she flew up the stairs to check if he was alright. I dragged my sit close to Louis and began talking with him to get to know what's up.
..........The Conversation Began...........
Me: Lou Lou look at me, what's wrong. 

Louis: *sniffles* Wothing

Me: Louis, I've your mummy for about 3 years now, I know you very well, I can tell when something is up and right now I know something is up, besides this was not how you were a few minutes ago.

Louis: Mummy's angwy with Lou Lou, mummy weft Lou Lou because mummy was angwy with Lou Lou. You would swoon swop woving Lou Lou and weave Lou Lou fowever. *He said as he started crying so much*

Me: Oh My God Lou *I said picking him out of his highchair and into my arms, rocking him back and forth* Mummy is never going to leave you alright and I can't even think about stopping to love you. The only reason I left was because I thought it be a good idea if Ella changes you while I go make you breakfast so you won't stay hungry for much longer. I'm not angry Lou, I just didn't want you to get a diaper rash because of your wet diaper, I know how much you hate diaper rashes because it hurts a lot and I would not want anything to hurt you and that's why I was trying to prevent it. Mummy's sorry alright Lou Lou. You'd always be my big boy and I will always love you and never leave you. *I say planting a kiss on his cheek*

Louis: Mummy loves Lou Lou *I respond by nodding* Lou Lou loves mummy too. *he says wiping his face with his hands* Mummy can I be your baby boy today, pwease, a want you two twake cware of mwe. *he says looking straight into my eyes with those puppy dog eyes of his*

Me: Awwn, of course Lou Lou, you know I love you no matter how old you are right *I say as I boop his nose which makes him laugh*

Ella's POV....

I raced upstairs to find my baby boy crying, I felt something in me that I had never felt as I picked him up pacing about the room. I just felt an instant bond with Michael, sorry baby Mikey. "Oh My God Mikey, mama's so sorry" I say to the still crying boy as I still pace around trying to calm him down. When he was finally calm I called out to Lizzy and asked if I could take one of Louis' pacifiers which had not yet been used and I placed it in his mouth as I saw he was placing his thumb in his mouth. I then took him to the nursery to change his diaper, as I laid him on the table and untapped his diaper I could see he had pooped so I got to work changing him, he was busy playing rather dragging my hair, I just laughed as I gently pulled out my hair from his grip. Then I carried him downstairs and saw that Louis had also regressed to about the same headspace which Michael was. I said to Lizzy, "Our boys are gonna have such a fun day, today" as she replied "Yes, it could be a playdate."

~Hey guys......

I'm sorry it's been quite a while, but I've been quite busy but I'd try my best to update more often, till then do comment on what you'd like to happen next and just maybe you may see it happen in the book.

*I hope you continue to like the book as you read further*

#lodyn1, Till the next chapter, Peace out........

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