Chapter 4- The Story

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Ella's POV....

I got to work changing my baby boy out from his wet big boy clothes and big boy underwear to something more appropriate and would aid his regression. At first was a little difficult with Michael's trousers being wet it was hard to pull down and when I finally got it down, Michael's laugh and movement anytime I wiped him down with the wipe also delayed me a little. When I was finally done I wanted to change him into a cute rainbow onesie but he refused saying it was for girls. After a lot of negotiation, he finally gave in when I promised to give him a cookie before dinner. Lizzy's mum had already called Michael's aunt telling her that she needed Michael to do something for her and he would be back in about a week's time. Well, usually I'd help Lizzy's mum cook but I had to stay with my baby boy, I couldn't leave him with Lizzy who already had Louis to take care of. Dinner went quite well except the fact that there was only one high chair so Michael had to sit on the regular dinning table and eating my food, feeding him and trying to hold him so he won't fall, doing all those simultaneously isn't an easy task. Well after dinner, Lizzy allows Louis watch cartoons for about 30mins before bath time then bed time, so I sat Michael beside Louis and went to help Lizzy's mum clear up. When we were done and had bathed the boys it was finally bed time. Lizzy stayed in her room which was basically 3 steps away from the nursery and also 3 steps from my room....
*Yeah, I know you're wondering how, the guest room is on the left side of Lizzy's room while the nursery was on the right* 
....while Michael and I stayed in the guest room. Before it got to late, I got a cookie from my bag which I always use as a bed time snack, but I had to give it up because I promised Michael that I'd give him if he adhered. While he was snacking I remembered I needed to ask him of his backstory as Lizzy said, all littles must have a backstory. So with that, I heaved a deep breath and said in the calmest voice I've ever used, "Hey Michael, I need you to be a big boy now, please" I said. He was reluctant but eventually gave in. 
*Then the conversation began*

Me: I'm going to be asking you a few questions and I'm gonna appreciate if you answer me honestly okay.

Him: Ummm, Okay.

Me: Good, Firstly do you have any traumatizing event from your childhood, like loss of a parent or being in foster care for almost all your life, or loosing your parents to CPS, did any of those happen dear. *I could tell this question was sensitive because immediately I asked, tears started rolling down his eyes*

Him: *Cries*

Me: Mikey, I'm talking to you

Him: *Cries more*

Me: Michael please, I really need an answer, please just talk to me, I could help.

Him: *Cry reduced to sniffles, then he started talking* I never knew my dad, it had always been my mum, my grandma, and my elder sister and I from the time I was born. Sadly, my grandma passed shortly after my birth and my uncles and aunts always blamed my mum, my sister and I. She always avoided family meetings and gatherings, eventually we moved to another city, so I barely know my cousins or any family member at all. When I was about 6 years and my sister 8 years my mum.....*starts sobbing*

Me: It's okay dear, *trying to calm him down*

Him: My mum passed away to a  kidney disease unknown to me till this day, the doctors only told us that she was battling with a kidney disease and she has succumbed to the disease. Since our family didn't want anything to do with us my sister and I were placed in an adoption center, but I was adopted without her about a few months of being there, the fear of not knowing whether my sister would ever be adopted and also being separated from the only member of my family who I knew and was always there for me that was still alive made me depressed for months. How I wish I spent my time with my adopted mum to its optimum because it was not long..... *starts sobbing again* 

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