Chapter 3: New Mascot

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The following day, after they satisfied their sweet tooth and for some their lust, an ackward silence had the building filled. Well.. the base was silent except for the kid's constant trotting, headbutting and insisting bleating for a biscuit. "Komm schon (C'mon), Cookie, that woman hat dich genug verwöhnt (spoiled you enough)!" König whined, the bleating getting on his nerves, leaving Cookie to let out another "Baa" while stomping the ground a bit. Ghost chuckled a bit, which was unusual for the quiet guy. "I guess even pets have some sass for their owners, huh?" He teased which caused Roach and Gaz to ever so quietly snicker. "Baa!" Cookie bleated and decided to stomp on Ghost's socked foot, forcing a laugh out of König. "Sieh (See/Look)! My baby beschützt (is defending) me!" "Fokk you!" Ghost growled, and to say he was not pleased would be an understatement. "Alright, 'kids', since our net mission will take place in the forest, we might as well go camping to prepare ourelves!" Price announced, making the kid bleat again. "And what about my Ziege? My kleiner Cookie can't be alleine (alone)!" König tried to protest, only for Price to chuckle at his attempt. "Don't worry, König. Maya will babysit the goat, she'll be there for the full 3 days we'll be gone." "Mein Cookie will be allein for drei ganze Tage (three whole days)?!" König asked, looking absolutely flabberghasted. "C'mon, König, don't be so anxious-" Soap elbowed him and got cut off. "Ich habe anxiety, Holzkopf (literally Woodhead, Idiot/Airhead/Dumbass)!" König smacked the back of Soap's mohawk, disrespecting the hairstyle. "Shut the fokk up, you two! I'm trying to play Tetris in peace!" Ghost kicked both of them while they sat. "Calm down you three, my sister was nice enough to prepare our first lunch in the forest. She even got us some cooking books for the life outside." Price's talking only caused a bunch of annoyed groans to errupt, except for Roach, who signed "Cool" with a smile. He got up and retreived something from his room ... a whole bag of professional camping recources, which surprised everyone. Roach wasn't one they though was into camping. He quickly signed "I'm ready" which led to König tilting his head a bit. "What is he saying? I verstehe immernoch keine (still don't understand) gang signs!" He whined, clearly annoyed that he couldn't 'read' Roach's hands. "When are we going?" Soap asked, interrupting Price as he wanted to answer König's question, which went forgotten. "We're going out in 2 hours, prepare yourself now. And König, make sure that you have everything Cookie needs, if you don't prepare those things I'll send Maya into your room, which might reveal some not so nice secrets you have." Price chuckled, a threatening glare to the squad left them to jump up from their seats, with König taking special care to not forget any stuff his kid needs.

1pm, König stepped into the bakery, crying and causing his eye black to run down his cheeks. "Papa König will miss you, Cookie! Don't let this... baking dancer influence you badly!" He sobbed, handing the goat, in a cute blue harness, over to Maya. "You're REALLY that scared he'll be influenced negatively in a time frame of 3 days? You're too paranoid about this goat." Maya pat his back and pecked his cheek through his sniper hood. König was quick to set Cookie's bags down and walk out, leaving Cookie and Maya alone with the customers. König returned to the squad car, still crying about his goat. "C'mon, König, your name literally means 'King', act like one!" Soap poked König's side, trying to lighten König's gloomy mood. "Aber (But)- er is fully allein, she'll have a bad Einfluss (influence) on my Zicklein (kid[baby goat])!" He kept sobbing, burying his masked face in Soap's shoulder. "Fokk's sake, König, stop bitching around! You're scared about leaving your goat with someone our captain knows. But you're not afraid to pay someone to get fu-" "Ghost, you better shut the fuck about my sister." Ghost complained, yet was interrupted by Price. "Yes sir." Ghost mumbled, lowering his head.

4 hours later, now 5pm, Price arrived at the forest, everyone got out of the car. Price led them around for 15 minutes before König interrupted their walk. "Look what I fand (found)!" König loudly told Soap but then quieted down "Scheiße... what's a Waschbär in Englisch?" König thoughtfully mumbled yet then continued his conversation with Soap. "I found a mask cat!" "A mascot? I thought Cookie was the mascot." Soap tilted his head and stepped closer to König, wanting to know what he meant. "No, Cookie is a Ziege, not mask cat." König explained but Ghost chuckled. "He means mask CAT not masCOT, yet it sounds quite similar... Still, what's a mask cat?" Ghost wondered which made Soap burst out in giggles, or it might've been when he saw what König talked about. "König, show them this 'mask cat' you're talking about." König nodded and held up a raccoon, realisation hitting everyone. "Guess König didn't know 'racoon', but I prefer his term 'mask cat'." Gaz chuckled as they continued to make their way, the small raccoon clinging to König for dear life. "So.. uhm.. what is a fitting name for a rack-coon?" König asked, having somewhat flung the pronounciation of 'raccoon'. "König, I hate to break this to you but... we can't keep the raccoon, it's pretty much against the rules that you have your goat with you." Price sighed, trying not to disappoint his new squad member. "Aber (but)- I already named him Bernhard, Bernd for short!" "No 'aber', whatever that means, we can't keep Bernd!" "But, can't he stay with us while we camp? I'll share my meals with him!" König begged and cuddled the raccoon, Bernd, to his chest. "I'll share my meals with the lad too, Price." Soap added with a smile, trying to pet the Bernd but got snapped at. "Even if he doesn't like me... yet." Ghost rolled his eyes at Soap's words. "Johnny, this ain't gon' work." Riley chuckled and walked off to continue following Price. "Alright, if he doesn't hurt or annoy anyone, you can keep him for now. If anything happens, you better find him a new home." Price gave in, still trying to keep things to their original plan. König gave a tiny cheer and scritched the raccoon's chin. "Alright, boys, let's get going. I want to set the campsite up before the night sets." Price declared and everyone followed him.

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