Chapter 2: An Unexpected Visit

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A couple days later, around 10am, Price had to deal with the usual chaos... if you don't count König's kid. Cookie, despite his youth, knew how to push everyone's buttons for his humor. Price was his first and probably only victim, getting headbutted over and over again, Cookie obviously wanting one of the biscuits that König made just for him. If it weren't for Price, who didn't budge, not wanting to overfeed the young being. König just smiled and kneeled down to pick Cookie up. "Komm, Kleiner, der alte Lorax ist doch nur gemein, nh (C'mon, Lil' one, the old Lorax's just being mean, right)?" König held the goat close to his chest, giving his pet some playful kisses through his mask. "So I'm a LORAX now?" Price looked at König and acted insulted, yet made it clear it was all playful. "Eh... Ja, du bist an old Lorax." Soap burst out laughing. "Oh, König! You just HAD to make 'dad' feel old!" "I'M A DAD NOW?!" Price shouted in surprise, making König's Goat jump a bit. "Don't scare my Ziege!" König complaimed. "Yeah, don't scare the Ziih-ge..?" Soap followed along, uncertainty in his voice as he attempted to say "Ziege". "Ziege, pull the i long." König attempted correct Soap, yet he fucking sucked at explaining, so he continued. "You write Ziege with an 'i' and 'e' which makes it that the i ist longer ausgesprochen (said/ outspoked/ said outloud)." "Alright, so Ziege.." Soap nodded and turned back to Price. "Still, don't scare his Ziege!" Price couldn't do much, other than grumble and drink his coffee while hoping they wouldn't create more chaos than they already have. "So, anyone have any plans?" Price's british voice grumbled. "Nope." "Nuh-uh." "Nein." And a headshake from Roach. "Alright, my sister owns a bakery and it's been a while since I've seen her, so we're going to see her." Price explained, König seemed to be the only one motivated. "Nun, wer wird das bezahlen (now, who will pay for this)?" "Dunno what ye saying, mate, but it's on me if it ain't on the house." Price reassured König, which got Soap and Roach excited. "So we'll be able to eat whatever?" Roach signed, getting a smile. "We can eat as much a we FOKKEN WANT TO!" Soap shouted, his scottish accent heavy in excitement. "Are they pet freundlich (friendly)?" König asked, keeping Cookie close. "König, you'll be in more trouble if you don't take that Goat with you. I'm sure Maya would love to see it. It'd definietly match her chaotic, yet innocent, nature."

3 hours later, they arrived at a small, cottage-like bakery, named "The Sweet Spot", it didn't take long for a woman to hurry to Price and hug him. "So, I see you have a new member? Another secluded area for the masked fellas?" The woman offered, with a small smile. "Alright, boys, this is my sister, Maya. Maya, you know everyone except, König and Cookie." Price introduced them to each other, leaving his sister confused. "Who's Cookie?" Maya asked, until König gave the goat the tiniest, most gentle kick to get the kid forward, causing the woman to scoop the baby goat up and pretty much steal it from him. "H- he, warte mal (Hey, wait a moment)!" König tried to step forward to take his pet back, yet he got stopped by Price. "Leave her be, she loves small animals, especially if they're farm animals." "Nein, just because she gave me a private dance doesn't mean she can kidnap Cookie!" König tried to argue and stepped forward but was stopped again. "What do you mean that she gave you a private-" Price asked, yet was cut off by his sister. "I set a pirvate area for you guys, even got the curtains set up!"The sweet voice announced, prompting the men to walk over to the set table. "So, let me guess... Chocolate Cloaked Paradise for Soap, Bittersweet Bite for Ghost, Raspberry Road for the bearded bro, and Cotton Candy Island for Roach, right?" The younger woman asked and received a nod from everyone except König. "So.." The giant began speaking.  "Do you have anything that's like Früchte but not too sweet?" He asked with a somewhat unsure voice. "Ah, the Berrylicious, comin' right up! And for Cookie.. that rascal will get some of my secret stash." Maya grinned and walked off to get everyone their orders. "So, König, what was that with the private dance?" Price asked, now fully focused on König, whose blush luckily stayed hidden beneath his sniper hood. "You don't know? She's a dancer at the Strip Club in the Nachbarstadt (neighbouring town/city)." König explained and was still looking around for his goat. "She's a WHAT?!" Price pretty much shouted, ignoring that some tables were whispering around them. "You don't know? She's surpringly good at-" "König, don't go there, she's my sister. I don't want to know such things." König quieted down, now just waiting in silence for his dessert. Barely 5 minutes later, everyone had their order, with Maya sitting by them with Cookie on her lap. "So.. can I get the Ziege back? I kinda miss him." König mumbled and attempted to take the kid back and got his hand smacked by Maya while she fed the goat some berries. "You lost your goat privileges, I haven't forgotten how much my ass hurt after your session. I may not see the face, but I don't forget a voice." Maya told him, leaving prety much everyone dumbfounded, leaving silence to take over the table, which Price broke. "So.. you mean to tell me that YOU, my YOUNGER sister, work as an 'exotic dancer' and you have SLEPT with König?!" "Your life really IS sad... I'll need to take you to the club on one of my days off." The whispers in the nearby tables grew somewhat louder but a whole lot intense. "You're not taking me to a stripclub-"

 Yet before they knew it, they were surrounded by music and a bunch of poles and dancers on them. "You boys do whatever, I'll get drunk with my girls on break." With that, Maya walked off to the bar section and left the squad on their own. König went somewhere to enjoy himself while Ghost followed Price's youngr sibling and grabbed himself a beer. Everyone seemed to have their own kind of fun, didn't matter it if was drinking booze, chatting with some workers about plans and hobbies, or if it was spending their money. Everyone had fun except for Price, he as questioning how his sister, the one he had thought was as sweet and innocent as one can be, was working in such a place, yet one thing was for sure - they had survived another day on an adventure.

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