Chapter 1: The King's Arrival

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Tuesday, 3pm. Price had forced everyone to prepare themselves for the day, having woken them up at 8am instead of letting them sleep in as promised. "Who's ready to meet the new guy?" Price asked around the table, which led Soap to tiredly whine. "Not me... you promised us that we'd be able to sleep in this week! That's the only reason I finished your birthday present at 5am!" "Unexpected by the man with the mohawk." Ghost teased and took a sip from his coffee... that was until he forgot to take his mask off, drenching it in the brown liquid. "Serves you right, asshole." Soap grumbled with a grin, eating the pancake he had bitched around for. "Alright, boys, don't fight eachother now, I don't want you guys to fight. Especially not before our new member comes." Price attempted to deescelate the two, and Gaz... he was ranting to Roach about the crickets that kept him up. Roach just nodded and occasionally wrote something down, knowing Gaz wouldn't be able to understand his signing.

4pm rolled around, that's when the heli outside was heard, leading Price and the rest to stand outside, most of them excited about the new member. Their excitement was short lived as a very tall man with a makeshift sniper hood stepped out with his bags. "Guten Tag (Good day)!" He greeted, towering over everyone... even Ghost. "The fuck did ye parents feed ya?" Ghost grumbled, attempting to look though, all despite the newbie towering over him. "Fruits, Gemüse (vegetables) und chocolate!" König answered, leaving pauses after most words. "So, your name?" Gaz asked, looking up at him. "Oh, my name's König, it means king in german." König answered, a small smile appearing under his mask before he continued speaking. "So.. I hörte (heard) that our first mission is in a Wald (forest)." "Ah, yes. I figured I should tell you guys about König. He's austrian and still doesn't have the english language mastered, there may be a language barrier, so I beg you guys to be patient with him." Price explained to his team before turning back to König. "Yeah, our mission is taking place in the forest, but you're here this early so we can get to know eachother, especially with your somewhat poor english." Price told König, holding his hand out for the giant to shake. Roach signed something over to Soap, who whispered something back to him.

König had his attention caught by Roach, to which he immediately head over to him and kneel to his height. "Guten Tag, kleiner Mann (Good day, lil' man)! Wer bist du denn (Who are you)?" König asked, his curiosity had taken his ability to speak english, until Soap nudged him. "T'fuck ye say'n', mate?" Soap mumbled over, to which the giant chuckled a bit. "Oh, 'tschuldigung (apologies)! "Who are you? What's your name?" König asked, having hurriedly made sure that he spoke english, even if it was somewhat broken. Roach signed, answering König. "My name's Roach" "Scheiße, what the fuck ist er saying? I don't speak gang signs!" König complained, standing up to look at Price. The others burst out laughing as their new 'tree' called sign language 'gang signs', he'd sure be some good humor. "He's mute, he speaks in british sign language. He just told you that his name is Roach." Price tried to explain, all while supressing his chuckle. "Oki-doki!" König answered and scooped Roach up, having already found his favorite mascot. "We will be wunderbare Freunde (wonderful friends), even if you can't speak!" The giant man smiled and set Roach on the ground after carrying him inside. "But do know where my..." König's voice trailed off "Do you know where my sleep room is?" König repeated his question, having literally translated 'Schlafzimmer' (bedroom) into english. Roach was quick to look for a notebook and wrote down "Do you mean bedroom? It's next to mine" Roach showed König the notebook. The others outside were tasked, by Price, to carry König's bags inside while Roach and his new friend were getting to know eachother in Roach's chambers. "König, you large dinosaur! Come over here!" A british voice growled, which had König's curiosity and made him stand up. "Ja?" He shouted back, only finding Ghost, who looked mad. "What the fuck's in your bags?! Do you have bricks in there?" Ghost asked, to which König laughed. "Oh nein, nein nein! There are no Backsteine in my bags!" "The fuck's a 'Backsteine'?" "Backsteine are multiple, the singular is Backstein."König corrected Ghost, which had him even more upset. "Alright, giant, what's a 'Backstein'?" "Oh, it's a brick." "Fokk you." Ghost attempted to smack König across the face, yet failed to reach high enough. "Oh, am I too groß (tall)?" König sat on the ground letting Ghost smack him across the face, now even more furious. "Don't you call me short!" Ghost growled but was quick to get smacked by Price. "Don't you smack König!" "But what the fuck is in his bags? They're so fucking heavy!" Price look at König with a gentle smile. "Alright, buddy, mind telling me what's in your bags?" König nodded. "My pet Ziege (goat)!" He proudly answered. "You transported a PET in your bags?! Don't tell me you threw the bags, Ghost.." Price look at Ghost, who seemed to be like a deer in the headlights. "Oh dear.." "Not deer, a goat." König corrected Ghost. "Hey, König, how about you go check on your pet goat?" König nodded and went to his bedroom, where his pet goat, still a kid (literal name for baby goats) was fine.

Couple hours later, just dinner, to which König offered to cook, the kid ran around the place. "Sein Name ist Cookie, der hatte schon nach der Geburt die weißen Flecken (His name's Cookie, he's had the white spots since birth)." König said, to which Ghost was the one to bitch around. "English, König, fuckin' speak it." König pretty much ignored him and kept on cooking, having started a nice vegeterian meal, mainly for Cookie's sake. Price smiled, knowing he'd be an amazing addition.

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