1. The Realists

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Caspian's P.O.V.

When I woke up the next evening, the sun was still out. Hm, that's odd. I have this weird internal clock that doesn't wake me up until after the sun sets. It just kind of came naturally when I started my vampire research. I slowly sat up, confused as to why it wasn't working properly. That's when I heard the sound of someone walking around.

"Caspian!" The voice yelled. I noticed then that there were four people, not just one. I sighed in relief, realizing It was just the Realists.

The Realists had been my friends forever. Jaelyn, Anastasia, Axel, and I had grown up together because we lived on the same street.

Alistaire we met later. His family had died in a house fire and we had managed to go in and save him with our abilities and took him in and protected him. Unfortunately, because of how it was accomplished, we had to make it seem like he hadn't been saved.  Our parents had helped us to re-create his identity. To be honest, at this point I had forgotten his original identity. He was only three when we found him after all.

That was 12 years ago, and now Anastasia was 22, Axel was 20, I was 19, Jaelyn was 18, and Alistaire was 15.

We had also learned about our abilities all at the same time. Jaelyn was able to imagine situations and bring them to life, Axel was able to bring fears to life, Anastasia brings dreams to life (as in things she has dreamt of before) and Alistaire can bring memories to life (his or someone else's). The problem with the abilities though is that everyone learned how to control theirs except me. That's why I was up in this cave.

I walked outside to meet The Realists, and they grinned when they saw me. "I thought I told you guys to warn me before walking around up here!" I told them sternly.

"Relax, Casp," Jaelyn said, flabbergasted, "you know Axel can kick your ass if he has to."

I sighed, knowing she was right. He could bring my biggest fear to life and I'd be helpless against anything else they threw at me. "Beside the point," I muttered.

Anastasia glared at me. Of course she had heard what I said. She had this weird way of hearing and seeing practically everything. Almost like a mother does when it comes to her kids. "It is not beside the point," she said to me, "we are perfectly safe. You aren't a danger to everyone, you know," she said the last part sadly, obviously upset with me. Again. She didn't like when I brought this up.

"I'm sorry, Stasia," I apologized to her. She looked like a kicked puppy.

"No, it's fine. We all know how you are," she reassured me. I nodded, still regretting bringing it up.

"So, how goes the research?" Alistaire asked, changing the subject like he always did. I smiled at him gratefully. He was good that way. He always knew when to re-direct a conversation and how to do it effectively.

"Uhm, I actually haven't done any research yet..." I trailed off. They all simultaneously whipped their heads my way, staring at me, shocked. "What?" I asked them, pretending to not understand what the staring was for.

"You've been up here for two months, and you haven't done any research?!" They yelled at me, quite loudly, may I add.

"Shush!" I yelled at them, "they'll hear you," I said, gesturing to the castle. It was literally, like, a kilometer away. They all paled, instantly going quiet.

"So, why haven't you done any research?" Jaelyn whisper-yelled.

"You realize that you can talk normally, right?" I asked her.

"Oh, right," she said, laughing at herself. I shook my head, laughing with her.

"So, why haven't you done any research yet?" Axel asked me. I sighed at him, having forgotten that he was always able to tell when someone was lying or avoiding a question.

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