3. "Finally, some progress!"

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Caspian's P.O.V.

The next night, I woke up to a crinkling sound. I looked around the cave confused, seeing that everyone else was asleep. I furrowed my eyebrows, and focused more on the sound. At closer inspection, I could tell that the sound was coming from outside. I sat there for a moment contemplating whether to go out or not.

I mean, it could be murderer. Or a person. I could seriously hurt somebody. I could seriously hurt myself. That sound is really annoying...

I decided to go find out what the cursed sound was, so I could go back to bed. I was just praying I wouldn't die. I don't wanna die annoyed...

When I got outside, I didn't see anyone, but the sound was still there. I looked around the clearing for about fifteen minutes, getting increasingly more annoyed, before I finally found the source. There was a piece of paper stuck between the rocks at the mouth of the cave.

I was too lazy to walk over, so I tried using my air affinity instead. I focused really hard on the paper blowing over here, and it moved a little bit, but stayed where it was. I sighed in annoyance, and stomped over to the piece of paper, nearly ripping it in half because of the force I used.

I took a few calming breaths before looking down at the paper. It seemed to be a letter addressed to me. It was written in a beautiful cursive script, was on fancy paper, and had hearts all over it. After examining the beautiful writing for a couple more seconds, I started to read it.

I heard you were doing some research, and was wondering what kind of research, specifically. I think I may be able to help you with it.

Please consider it,

I had no idea who had written me the letter, but they seemed to know a little bit about my research. But they wouldn't believe you if you told them... no one believes in vampires anymore, Caspian, I thought to myself. I shook my head, trying to clear it. It was true, though. Very few people still believed vampires existed.

The only other people who I knew of that believed in them were Axel, Stasia, Jaelyn, and Alistaire. I decided I should talk to them about this first, before I made any decisions.

Luckily, I didn't have to wake them up, as they were already awake when I walked back in. I thanked the lord for that. If Jaelyn didn't get enough sleep, she was a freaking hyper toddler, and Axel and Stasia were really grumpy when you woke them up. Alistaire was fine, but I didn't like having to wake him up, because I always felt bad.

"Caspian, where were you?" Anastasia asked the minute I walked in.

"I was just outside. I heard this," I held up the letter for them to see, "crinkling outside this morning, and it woke me up." She nodded, accepting that answer, and then locked eyes on the letter.

"Ooh, let me see!" Jaelyn yelled. I was about to move the letter out of her reach, but she had grabbed it out of my hands before I got the chance. I glared at her playfully. I was getting there.

Jaelyn read the letter out loud, the other three listening closely. When she was finished, Alistaire was the first to speak up. "So, are you gonna write back?"

"I don't know," I told them honestly. "I mean, we have no idea who this 'V' person is, and what are the chances of them believing me anyways?" I asked them.

"Well, you'll never know unless you try, Casp," Jaelyn said, grabbing a piece of paper and handing it to me. I looked at it warily, looking for an excuse not to use it.

"Well, how am I supposed to get it back to them anyways?" I asked them all, "they just left it in the wall. It had no return address or anything on it."

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