7. Blood Curdling Scream

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Zariah's POV

I was sitting on the ground beside a tree, chilling with Caspian's idiot friends. I didn't actually pay any attention to any conversations though because all I could think about was what had happened with that Earth deity. Not that I really would have listened if I wasn't distracted. I had no desire to speak to Caspian's friends. 

What the Hell am I gonna do? I questioned myself, Caspian's now counting on me to help him control his powers and I don't know how. I can only use mine once in a while anyways, so I never had any need to control it. It just kind of happened on its own. 

I glanced over at Caspian, seeing how happy he was. In all the time I had (sort of) known him, he had never looked that happy. Of course he hasn't, you moron, he has hope now. He's always been too worried about running into someone up here and hurting them or something to feel happy about anything. Now he's been told you can help him and he can relax because he thinks you can fix everything. 

I looked away sadly. All I was going to do was disappoint him. I couldn't help him at all. He was putting all of his Faith in me, and I was going to destroy it. I was going to destroy him

Oh, and then there was that whole thing about vampire mating rituals to add to the stress. Like, what the fuck did she mean 'mating ritual'? That's the kind of thing that someone would definitely have mentioned to me...

Or not, I realized, Ienna wouldn't have mentioned anything about life that would have been useful, because then I could have a more successful life than her, Viktor doesn't give a shit about giving me advice, and my parents died before I would have been old enough to understand. Well fuck, now I need to find someone to explain fucking life to me like a stupid kid. 

"Zariah!" Someone suddenly shouted. I jumped, startled, looking around for the source of the shout. Caspian and Morons were looking behind me with confused looks on their faces, so I turned to see what they were looking at, only to be greeted by Aquamarine. She was looking down at me, her face  a mixture of shock and anger. "What the fuck are you doing?"

"Um," I said, too shocked to come up with any excuses or snappy retorts. 

"You know the laws, Zariah. We aren't to associate under any circumstances with h-"

"ham, I know," I interrupted suddenly. What the fuck, brain? What kind of  excuse is that?! What story are we going to come up with for that?! "but that merchant at the market was super insistent. I told him I didn't want any and he kept following me around trying to sell it." This is insane, Zariah! No one is going to believe that shit! We are so fucking screwed.

"What?" Aquamarine snapped, "no, I mean-"

"Oh, it's dinner time, isn't? Shit, sorry. I lost track of time," I continued. I turned to the group of extremely confused people staring at me, smiling, "I gotta go guys. I'll talk to you later, Caspian." With that, I grabbed Aquamarine by the arm, dragging her far enough away that we could use vamp speed to get back to my room. 

I slammed the door behind us and she immediately started screaming at me again. "What the fuck, Zariah?! You've been with humans?! Your father is the fucking King! The sentence for breaking that law is death! Why the fuck would you feed on people that aren't your consort?! You-"

"Hold up!" I shouted loudly, talking over her, "first of all, I'm not feeding on them. Second of all, I have my reasons and they are none of your concern."

"Well they're my concern now," she snapped back, "if you have good enough reasons, you should have no issue telling them to me. If they're shitty reasons or you refuse to explain yourself, I'm going to your father."

The Vampire Princess: Balancing The ElementsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ