6. Cessatia

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Zariah's P.O.V.

I finished feeding from Topaz, and got her her smoothie, before ushering her out the door. Stupid humans. Needing constant care and not being able to live if there's no aftercare after feeding. This isn't sex. They shouldn't need aftercare.

I was in a bad mood. There were now four extra people living here, and I hadn't gotten the chance to sneak out and go see Caspian in about a week. I flopped down on my bed angrily. It wasn't fair. I'd been locked in this goddamned room for three days, not leaving, because the stupid emo vampire guy was always creeping outside my fucking door. And because fucking Viktor had set guards outside my window, I had no other way of leaving.

I rolled onto my stomach, screaming into my pillow, frustrated. You know what? Fuck this. I checked the clock on my wall, seeing that it was almost midnight. I got off my bed, walking silently over to my door, opening it a crack to see if Cas-whatever was there. Thankfully he was gone for now. Probably feeding or something. On his 16 year old consort no less. Like, that's so creepy and disturbing.

I tiptoed silently - thank Lucifer that vampires had the ability to move completely silently- down the staircase, almost making it to the door. Except, "Zariah," creepy emo guy said.

"What's his face," I said back, smiling sarcastically.

"My name is Casper. I've told you that about fifty times."

"True," I said fakely, "but in order to remember it, I would have to care."

"Where are you going?" He asked, changing the subject.

"Outside," I said slowly, "some people like to do that, you know."


"Because I want to?" I said rudely.


"Does it matter? "

"Yes, actually."

"So then I guess that sucks for you."

"Why are you leaving?"

"It's really none of your fucking business. I can leave my house whenever I want to."

"You're going to see the human, aren't you?"

"There are no humans up here. That's kind of the point of having a castle up here. Because we're away from the humans." I lied quickly. How did this freak know about Caspian?

"Except there is a human. And his group of friends. They live in the mountains."

"If they do, we leave them alone, and you will leave them alone, or I'll report you to the king."

"You know, for being such a bitch, you're awfully defensive over these humans."

"Thank you, you flatter me, and no. I would just much prefer not to get in trouble."

"Please. Your father is the king. It's not like you'd get in a whole lot of trouble."

"I get into just as much trouble as the rest of you. My father doesn't pick favorites."

"So if you actually fed from a human that hasn't agreed to being a consort, you'd get the death sentence too?"

"Yeah, actually. I would. Laws are laws and they need to be obeyed. The kingdom comes first. It always has."

"I seriously doubt that," he argued.

"You can doubt whatever you want."

"So, you get punished for everything?"

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