26 Why dont you stay? 18+

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Lost in your eyes there was no place I could hide
Take me inside and let me live in your mind
No pain tonight, this place is reserved for only you and I

Cos I
wanna stay
On your side
even if the world come crashing down tonight
we'll be fine
Hold me close and we'll just leave it all behind
Why don't you stay

By the one and only Jeff Satur
(Who I want to be adopted by🥺)
Part 1.
Part 2 out tomorrow

Waking up is easier than before I met him, more happiness, more to look forward to, no evil thoughts entering my mind like the did before.
The scars from my father used to hurt and haunt me.
But now, with him on my arms, they don't hurt.
Not physically or emotionally.

The monster inside of me was hushed as soon as he came along with his cute shorts and boots.
I still remember how beautiful he looked that day, the srcuap attraction and the mysterious feelings I caught for him.

Mysterious feelings...I don't belive in those people who say love at first sight.
But I did when i knew I had to protect him.
Love him .
He calmed the monster inside of me.

I tightens my arms around his waist, burying my face in his warm stomach, "Wake up pet" he says looking down at me, I smile at him softly and treading my fingers through his.
I look at our intertwined fingers.
How did two years go by so fast?
"Let's get married" I said outloud.
I hear his breathing stop.
"I'm sorry" I panicked sitting up.
Unable to look at him.
His fingers tilted my chin back so that our eyes were locked.
His brown eyes looked so happy.
I don't think I've ever seen him this happy.

"Okey" he smiles,"okey"? I scowl at his use of romantic words.
He laughs a pulls me tp his chest.
"I've wanted to marry you since the first day I saw you baby" hearing those words made me smile and tilt my head back to look at him
"I'm just a little sad" he pouts.
I look at him in suprise.
Since when did Vegas pout?
"I wanted to ask you first" he explains rubbing the skin on my wedding ring finger.
I look at him, I don't think I've ever felt this kind of love.
The strongest feeling I've ever had.
"I love you"
" I love you Pete"

"Can we make love now"? I fake pout and climb onto his pap straddling him.
He smiles a happy genuine smile.
Our lips touch in a long, lingering kiss that seems to last ours.

I lift my arms over my head as he lowers me onto my back, I moan softly as our naked bodies touch.
It feels different this time, every time he sucks on my sensitive skin it feels more stronger than before.

He fucks into me with a slow torturous pace that he's never done before.
Our sex is usually not gentle.
But i could get used to this.

Each time his pips touch mine it's like fire.
I need more
Mt body moves with his, I wrap my legs around his waist, my hands gripping his upper arms to steady myself.
I like this.
I love the feel of him filling me up, but this slowness is killing me, I surprise myself by needing him to be more.
More rough, not gentle, be like him.
Like he owns me.
Because he does.
Body soul.
Everything is his.

"Let's make love" he whispers into my ear as he continues to thrust his hips into mine.

Little Pete beat me to the punch, although I'm happy he did it.
Him proposing was the most cutest, sexiest thing I've ever seen.

I rock into his shaking body, going slow because he deserves care today.
But we both know what he really wants.
I fuck into his hole hard without warning, he jumps and cries, hands digging into my shoulders.
I smirk, "Better pet"? I sat sucking his skin.
His moans answer yes to me as he lifted his hips to meet mine.
He loves this, he loves to be under me as I destroy him.
He lives for the attention I give him, the way I touch him, knowing no one else has seen him this way pushes me over the edge.

My pete

"What "?! I scream dramatically.
Pete grins and his face goes red.
"Ay Pete "! I curse and slap kinns face to pay attention to thos situation.
"You should of told me, we could've went ring shopping" I complained and scowl at my husband who's cleaning his gun.

" I didn't plan it" he says sitting next to me
"Who doesn't plan a proposal"? I scoff at him.
He shrugs his shoulder.

"I was lying in his arms, I swear to you porshe i had this really strong feeling that came over me, like all the love i had for him before just got magnetised"
Kinn stops what he's doing when Pete says this.

He smiles at me softly and fondly at Pete.
"Well did he say yes "? I asked stupidly

Kinn laughs, "Of course he did" he says while Pete nods .
My best friend is getting married.
To a psychopath.
"Petes a psychopath too" my subconscious laughs at me.

I look at my friend, my dearest friend who I've protected all my life, i watch as he helps kinn organise his messy desk.
I watch him with a melancholy feeling.
I don't want to lose him.
Every thing is changing.

"He proposed"?Maccu says with suprise.
I roll my eyes and pour myself a glass of wine.
"Its not a big deal, I was gonna do it soon so he just beat me there first" I shrug and take a sip.

"Porshe had the exact same reaction" kinn laughs leaning against the counter next to me.
I laugh.
Ah porshe, there's been so many times I've wanted to kill him.

"No offence cousin but your wife is a little witch sometimes, but I owe him for protecting pete" I say.
"He loves that boy like his son" he pauses and looks down
"I do too" he adds not daring to look at me.

I look at my cousin who has been my downfall, my enemy.
My bestfriend.
"I suppose I've never thanked you kinn " I say.
He looks at me.
I look back and smile.
"Thank you for not leaving me" I suprise myself with my words but don't regret them.
I feel his hand on my shoulder, he squeezes it gently and smiles.

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