19. the object of my affection

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Bedsheets, no clothes
Touch me like nobody else does
Lovely to just lay here with you
You're kinda cute and I would say all of this
But I don't wanna ruin the moment
Lovely to sit between comfort and chaos
But it's over
Then you're drivin' me home
And it kinda comes out as I get up to go
You kiss me in your car
And it feels like the start of a movie I've seen before
But it's not real
And you don't exist
And I can't recall the last time I was kissed
It hits me in the car
And it feels like the end of a movie I've seen before

I should be thankful, that Pete let me stay the night, but I cant help but feel sad he kicked me out the next morning.
His scent drove me to the point of having my head in my hands,
How this young innocent boy has completely changed my view on life,
How could I have hurt him?
That's what I do, anyone gets close I walk away,
Not this time
I'll win  him back and explain everything

"Get angry Pete"! My new training manager shouted,
Recently I've taken up boxing, self defense classes, I've always known how to box because when I was a boy my father bullied me into it, but it's been years, Porsche persuaded me,
My body dripped with sweat as I landed my final punch,
Taking a long gulp of water I wiped the edge of my mouth,
I'm unable to stop thinking of him,
He's everywhere
In my head, my hearth.
How can I ever love another?
How could anyone have the affect he has on me?
Before him I could breath, be happy, now after him, everything isn't as it was,

He's gotten under my skin and no matter what I do...I can't stop loving him.
So what do I do now?

I get into my car, placing my hands on the steering wheel and close my eyes.

The rain poured around us as we ran into the car, both clothes stuck to our bodies from the wet, shivering I allowed Vegas to clasp my hands in his and smiled as he blew his hot breath around them trying to give me warmth, I leaned in and pressed my lips against us, anyone walking by would judge us for kissing in a car, but we're not driving...
He kisses me back, warmth spreading through my body.
We break apart, our wet foreheads pressed together,
"Stay forever" he whispered, my cheeks hurt from how much I was smiling.

I waited all day at Pete's for his return and when I finally saw his car pull up I stood up,
The rain has been falling all day so I was wet, he rushed out of his car as soon as he saw me, a concerned look crossing his features.
Not that look of pity.
"Don't even think for a second that I'm taking you back just because I'm doing this" he muttered putting the umbrella over me,
I couldn't help myself, I leaned in and wrapped him up in my arms, I heard him shiver as he hesitated but soon nuzzled his head into my shoulder.
We needed this.
"Please Pete" I plead holding onto his hand,
"Please what"? He tried to sound annoyed but I knew better,
"you don't have to forgive me but don't take away my right to hold you" he was silent after this, but let me hold him for a while while the rain poured around us.

It was just after 10 pm, both changed into warmer clothes we lay on his bed.
Cuddling for the first time in months.
He hasn't looked or talked to me,
I deserve it.
But I'm happy he agreed to let me hold him.
I ran my fingers through his silky damp hair, hearing him breath fast.
I can feel his breath of my neck as his s breathing starts to calm down
"I don't forgive you" he muttered his voice sleepy.
"I know" I smile against his hair.
"But I love you" then he was fast asleep.
I love him too, and god knows ill  prove it to him, but for now I'll bask in the feeling of him back in my arms.

Literally I think I met the love of my life, I'm not kidding,sorry for the late update, I don't have an excuse except my mental health has been crzyyyyyyy

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