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chapter ten
(because we are friends!)

The holiday was over, and it was time to go back to Hogwarts

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The holiday was over, and it was time to go back to Hogwarts. Upon arriving at King's Cross, the teens bade farewell to the adults. Yet, one boy was seen following them as they approached the train. The first to raise awareness of his presence was Darling; she acknowledged his footsteps as they entered the carriage.

"Bloody hell you are following us for Dilan?" The teens turned as one when they heard Darling's exclamation, finally noticing the new presence in their midst.

The older boy tilted his head and squinted, then raised his hand to his chin and asked, "Didn't I tell you earlier that I'll be attending Hogwarts for my last year?"

The teens looked at each other in disbelief. While they initially thought he was messing around with them, his subsequent actions quickly proved otherwise. When he let out a chuckle and pushed his way through the group—snatching up a certain Hufflepuff along the way and prompting a certain Gryffindor's ire—it became abundantly clear that no joke was being told.

Darling shifted her gaze to the lone Hufflepuff who still remained, and to her surprise, Dilara was equally shocked by the revelation of her older brother's impending attendance of Hogwarts.

"Oh, this is actual hell now," aniel sighed and Darling rubbed her hand over her forehead as she attempted to make sense of the current situation.

Remus, who shared none of the others' fondness for Dilan, instead followed the progress of Artemis as she was unceremoniously yanked away, but a fortuitous stroke of luck enabled him to swoop in when another student accidentally collided with the pair, resulting in the older man losing his grip on her wrist.

Remus' haste led to him grasping her slightly too firmly and subsequently pulling her inside the empty compartment at a speed that caused Artemis to smash into his chest, barely managing to keep their footing before potentially plummeting to the ground.

Remus could feel the heat rising in his cheeks as the young girl pulled away and rubbed her nose," Thanks, Lupin. You saved me."

"No problem, just looked like you needed a break from...his advances the whole holiday." he did his best to mask that fact when she thanked him and made him react in a way.

Artemis gave a somewhat nervous chuckle as she fought to maintain her composure, feeling profoundly awkward for reasons that extended beyond their current interaction; she'd made it her objective to maintain a distance and keep her distance after the holiday. Unfortunately for her, her plans to continue doing so once they reached Hogwarts were thwarted when the remaining Marauders effectively barred her entry from the compartment by standing in front of the door.

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