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chapter seven
(howls at the moonlight)

Artemis experienced a sensation of discomfort, as she felt weighed down and her thoughts were being disturbed

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Artemis experienced a sensation of discomfort, as she felt weighed down and her thoughts were being disturbed. The issue was that she was continually hearing humming the day following her birthday, though it was manageable since the frequency was not stable. Nevertheless, it was beginning to become excessive, producing a deafening sensation that was only made worse by her solitude. She considered simply resting in bed, yet she recognized that remaining by herself was the last thing she desired. If the humming ceased, it would undoubtedly push her towards madness.

She practically dragged towards the Great Hall for breakfast, and she was sure by the time she reached there, it'd be time for her first class of the day. Fortunately, she was
over exaggerating.

Upon settling at the Hufflepuff table, Artemis found herself casting a gaze in the direction of the Gryffindor table. She was unaware that she habitually carried out this action whenever she was present within the Great Hall.

Upon observing the unkempt hair—which belonged to Potter—Artemis sought the taller male. When she spotted him, she observed how he appeared pallid. He was not engaging in the conversation with his companions, retaining a demeanor that was somewhat aloof. He did manage to produce a few acknowledgments, nodding a few instances when remarks were made to his direction, though his demeanor was lacking vigor and he had a depleted reserve of energy.

Artemis may have permitted her gaze to linger for an excessively prolonged duration, for the male happened to glance in her direction and manage to lock eyes with hers. She could have averted her gaze away, though when she waved and rested her palm on her lap, she maintained her focus and continued regarding him with mild inquisitiveness.

Artemis may have permitted her gaze to linger for an excessively prolonged duration, for the male happened to glance in her direction and manage to lock eyes with hers. She could have averted her gaze away, though when she waved and rested her palm on her lap, she maintained her focus and continued regarding him with mild inquisitiveness.

Sirius, being an individual with a curious nature, rotated his head towards Remus' direction after detecting that the latter was waving at someone. He had initially remained motionless for a brief period, yet, upon observing the individual that Remus was directing the gesture towards, namely Artemis, he took a second before seeing Artemis making a face at him Sirius then decided to stick out his tongue and pull back his nose.

James expelled a sound from his nostrils and was nearly on the verge of causing his pumpkin juice to spill out, which resulted in the individual seating beside him, Doe, displaying an expression of dismay. Nevertheless, she was unable to prevent the male from grabbing hold of her and moving his face close to hers, which eventually culminated in her pushing him away with the help of her hand.

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