New Beginnings

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"Come on bud, it's time to eat." I groan as I'm shaken awake. "Jayjay... I'm sleepy..." I whine. "Oh, I know buddy, but it's the first day at our new school, you got to get up." I huff, reluctantly sitting up and rubbing my eyes. "I set an outfit out for you in the bathroom. Get dressed and come down for breakfast, ok?" "KK Jayjay." I replied with a yawn. Jay smiles, ruffling my hair before leaving. I stretch before climbing out of my bed and heading to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

It's been about a month since I've been living with Maman and Jay. They've been helping me out through the transition, not that I wasn't already spending most of my time with them. Maman took me out shopping for new clothes, including some for if I regress. Its difficult, but Jay has been with me through it all.

After showering and getting dressed I looked at the outfit jay laid out for me, happy with how cute it was. I do a quick spin admiring Jay's choice of a light pink overalls, white undershirt, and white frilly dress socks. I run down the stairs and meet maman and Jayjay in the kitchen for breakfast. "Good morning maman, hi Jayjay!" I exclaim hopping onto the counter, sitting next to jay as he finished putting my favorite apple jelly on my toast. "Off the counter bud, you know better."

(the overalls and shirt)

(the overalls and shirt)

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Jay helps me slip my matching shoes on and grabs his schoolbag and my little bag while I grab my school bag

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Jay helps me slip my matching shoes on and grabs his schoolbag and my little bag while I grab my school bag. As we got to the car, I climb into the front seat and wait for jay to help me with my seatbelt. "There you go little prince, nice and secured!" I giggle at his teasing as he shuts my door and gets in the driver's seat. "Ready for our first day? You'll be in the little's class so you won't be with me except at lunch, okay?" I look up at him, my anxiety beginning to spike. "N-No Jayjay...?" "Easy there bud, its going to be okay, mom made sure to get you on a 504 plan. Do you know what that means?" I shake my head no, now curious. "It means, the school knows you are a little different, and if they or you ever need anything you cannot handle, they can call me out of class, and ill be right there for you. Sound alright squirt?" He says as we finally pull into the school parking lot. 

!!this is a short chapter i know im sorry! but i am working on the sizes of the chapters and i may post the next chapter later or tomorrow to make up for the shortness! thanks for the love and hope yall had a great weekend!!

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