A Little Anxious

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I slowly open my eyes, shielding them from the overbearing morning light. Groaning, I sit up and stretch, mentally preparing for the new day. Looking around I slowly take in my surroundings, attempting to wake my mind. I get out of bed, careful not to disturb Galaxy, my German Shepard, who was fast asleep on the end of my bed.

After feeding my guinea pigs Lunar and Eclipse, I grab my outfit for the day and drudge off to my bathroom. I yawn and turn the shower on, preparing myself for the flood of thoughts. Taking a deep breath I slowly remove my pajamas and close my eyes tight until I'm safely behind my shower curtain.

(time skip after the shower)

"Just what I needed." I mumbled as I quickly dried off and threw my uniform on. As the fog on the mirror disappeared, I stared at my reflection. "Amber hurry up! It's classification day! You must be on time!" I hear my mother call from the kitchen. I groan and roll my eyes as I quickly do some simple makeup. (Uniform shown below without the sweater)

          "When will she ever get my name right

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"When will she ever get my name right. It's not Amber its fucking Axel now." I mumble, grabbing my bookbag and throwing some dress shoes on. Even if today was a holiday and we could leave after our classifications, they still expected us to be in proper uniforms. I hate this posh ass school with its uniforms and annoying rules. The only reason I haven't caused any trouble is to keep my mom from having to deal with that selfish prick I call father.

Before walking out the door to meet my mother in the car, I check myself out in the mirror. "At least I look amazingly hot in this uniform." I say stalking out to the garage, pairing my headphones to my phone and turning on my "School Blows" playlist.

I stare out the window as mom pulls out and begins to drive to my own personal hell *cough cough* I mean school. I fidget with my skirt and the frills on my socks trying to make them look as neat as possible. I may be trans, but that doesn't mean I have to hate all things feminine. I wouldn't be caught dead in saggy pants and some trashy t-shirt trying to look hard. I prefer to look cute and dress feminine. Makeup and hair accessories are a MUST.

Soon we pull into the car line for school, and I turn my headphones off, setting them in my backpack and throwing it over my shoulder. I wave goodbye to my mom and head in to my locker. As I place my books and lunch bag in my locker, I hear my teacher talking to someone, well more like scolding them. I peeked around my locker door, not forgetting to sneak my earbud case into my pocket and listen in as my friend protested.

"I don't see the issue; I mean we will be walking around and sitting in a cold room for hours today! Why is it so wrong if I wear sneakers?" "You must be in proper uniform Mr. Jayden! It is school policy!" Ugh. Ms. Kole, she's a real bitch sometimes. Always kissing up to the principal and his dumb rules. Suddenly Jayden storms out of the room and leans on the lockers next to mine. Groaning he begins to take his sneakers off and replace them with some dress shoes. "God Kole is such a stiff cunt." He mumbles, careful to only be heard by me. "Trust me I know."

(time skip to the assembly)

"I hate this stupid building; it gives me the creeps bro." I whispered to Jay as we found our seats in the church. "Dude, I KNOW. Like at least give it some life, flowers maybe?" "OH! That'd be so cute! Maybe daisies or lilies?" I squeal, looking up at him. Jay just chuckles and shakes his head at my antics. "Quiet down bud, it's about to start, do you need anything?" he says, looking down at me questionably. I know what he was asking me, He wanted to know if I needed a fidget toy. I have pretty bad ADHD and struggle with sitting still for long periods of time. "No, I don't want to get caught with anything and deal with that mess again." I say, referring to the time they caught me with a fidget spinner in class and almost wrote me up for it.

The speech began with our principal spewing on about how God designed humans a certain way and blahblahblah. I was getting bored and restless, so I began biting my nails. Jay noticed and grabbed my hand. He handed me a piece of gum and smiled at me. I gave him a small smile, popping the gum in my mouth discreetly and carefully chewed it to not get caught. 

!!HEYO so this is my first time posting a story, ive always loved writing but we will see how others feel as well i guess?

anyway im not here for the attention but more for a place to show off my stories so i dont have a reason to not post 

already have at least 3 other chapters written so far but im gonna hold onto them for  a few days!! 

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