Everyone Knows

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I sat there and silently cried for a few minutes, attempting to understand everything that had just happened. After a while I calmed down enough to see and grabbed my paper. Wiping my eyes, I stumbled my way to where the rest of the class was. I stood silently behind everyone as we were led back to our classroom to pack up for the day. I quietly packed all my things from my desk into my bag when the teacher suddenly called my name. "You need to go in the hallway and empty your locker as well. There are a couple grocery bags waiting there for you." Trying not to cry I left the classroom and went to my locker, emptying it. Just as I finished the bell rang and students began emptying out into the hallways.

I gulped as students started walking past me, some staring with confusion or disgust, others, luckily more focused on going home to celebrate. I collected my things and was about to walk out when I ran into something, no someone. "Axel what happened." Jay asked concerned. Shit! Jay! I looked up at him, tears in my eyes. I opened my mouth to explain when I suddenly hear I deep yell from across the hall.

!!Warning Child Abuse!! 

"Where the fuck is she! You little bitch!" "No, no, no, no! Dad?! What are you doing here!" I squeak as he grabs my shirt collar holding me in the air. Great, now I'm put on display for everyone to see. "How dare you, damn brat! A Little? Of all things! Its Disgusting!" "D-Dad please!" I plead with him, just wanting to defuse the situation. "Don't 'please' me you rat!" He bellows, throwing me against the lockers. I curled into a ball on the floor preparing for my father's rage to come down on me. "What the? - Who the hell are you!?" I slowly look up to see Jay standing over me, staring my father down. "I'm his friend you pig. What is your problem huh? Maybe if you didn't treat your kid like a fucking ragdoll, he wouldn't need the care and safety of a caregiver and little space!" Jay yells. "He?! What are you going on about boy?" I whimper and hide behind Jay more, earning a soft smile from him.

!!Warning Over!!

"What on earth is going on in here?" We all turn our heads to see Mrs. Frelser, Jay's mother, standing in the middle of the crowd. "Mom, can you help me get Axel out of here, I think he's going to have a panic attack." Jay says calmly. She looks over at me, her gaze softening, opening her arms to me. "Maman..." is all I can get out before running into her arms. "Oh dear, it's alright, let's get you out of here. Jay, be a dear and get his things off the floor, would you?" She says over her shoulder as she leads us out to her car. Maman carefully helps me into the backseat wiping away my tears.

"Here mom." I hear Jay say as he hands her something. Maman simply nods, handing me the object I know see is my stuffed teddy, Teddi. Real creative I know. Leave me alone I needed something easy to say while in a panic. I hold Teddi close, quietly crying into his soft, black fur. Soon enough the car was started and we were on the move. I was too exhausted to understand, but Jay and Maman kept talking about something while looking back at me. Jay reached back and put my headphones on me, taking my phone and playing a Disney's Lullaby playlist. After a while I ended up falling asleep.

I woke up to the feeling of the car stopping. I rubbed my eyes and looked out the window to see my house. Tearing up I looked at the front seats to see Maman and Jay were gone. I began to panic, curling up against Teddi, searching for any kind of comfort. Suddenly my door was opened, and I was pulled from my thoughts. "Sorry about that bud, we had to get your stuff from your house first, here." Jay says softly, handing me my baby blanket and laying my Cinnomoroll blanket over me. "You can go back to sleep bud, it's going to be a bit before we arrive home."

I slowly closed my eyes as Maman and Jay got back into the car. The playlist was turned back on and I drifted off the sleep to the lullabies and calming movement of the car driving. 

I absolutely love Cinnomoroll with all my heart. Anyway, the next chapter will be shorter but its what I've got. I promise the story gets better I do my best with the middle and climax of stories and the start is always the worst for me, I'm too impatient XD

Hope everyone had a good week lots of love!!

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