The Testing

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After what felt like an hour, even though Jay said it was only 20 minutes, we were finally sent in groups separated by the classes to the testing area, also known as the gym/cafeteria. I go to a private school that only has about 330 students in total across 15 grades, around half of which have 2 classes per grade. Jay and I get up and file out with the rest of the class to the gym. I discreetly spit my gum into the trash and follow behind Jay.

As we reached the gym my nerves kicked in. In this society you are classified into 2 categories of 3 groups at the age of 16, the categories being submissive and dominant, the groups being Pet or Master, Neutral sub, Neutral dom, Caregiver, and Littles. Our school barely accepts pets and masters, being classified as a caregiver is riding the edge, so being classified as a little means the end of your school life at the academy. The only reason they do the tests is because the government requires it. They can only require the tests be done, not that schools must accept the classification itself, as private schools have a lot more leeway with the rules.

Jay says I shouldn't worry, and I'll probably just end up a neutral sub if anything, but I couldn't shake the idea that I may end up worse. I have nothing against littles, but I just can't afford to be one. Mom despises them, the school would kick me out, there would be new laws I'd have to follow, not to mention littles are expensive, I'd be screwed.

"Amber Mezzanotte?" "Hey Axel, the nurse is calling you." Jay says, shaking me out of my thoughts. "Huh, oh uh, here!" I exclaim, going to the nurse. She smiles at me and points to a small sectioned off area. "Right over here dear, just sit down and answer the questions on the sheet, the doctor will be in to see you after a few minutes." I nod, sitting on the doctor's bed thing and grabbing the clipboard. The nice nurse then shuts the curtains separating my section from the world.

I take a deep breath as I look down at the clipboard. The questions seemed simple enough, just the basic doctor questions like my height, weight, etc. After filling the questions out the best I could, I flipped at page and gulped at what I saw. These were the questions I was scared for, some were simple like, 'What's your favorite color' or 'What is your favorite food'. The other questions caused my anxiety to spike. 'Name any significant traumas in your life and ways you deal/delt with it.' I winced at the thought but continued answering all the questions.

Once finished I sighed and leaned back on the chair, remembering the earbuds I slipped in my pocket earlier. I quickly put one in and turned a random playlist on my phone, hiding the earbud with my hair. As soon as I did so, the curtains were opened and closed once more as a doctor slipped in, he was wearing a long white coat and a lanyard with duck pins covering it. I must have been staring as he gave a slight chuckle, handing me one of the pins. "My son loves to get me these things, says they are a good way to make others feel safe with me, guess they caught your eye huh?" He says, I simply nod and pin the duck to my sleeve, smiling at it. "May I please have your clipboard?" he asks, holding his hand out to me. I cautiously hand it to him, looking down at my now swinging feet. When did I start doing that? Is it because I'm anxious? No. I shake when I'm anxious. Maybe I was... "Amber?" I hear the doctor call, snapping me back to reality. "S-Sorry sir! I... zoned out." I mumbled the last part. "Quite alright dear, now I need to do a quick checkup then Ill need to leave for a bit to get your results ok?" I nodded and he did as he said.

I waited anxiously for the next 30 minutes, eventually resorting to biting my fingers, until finally the doctor came back. I looked up just in time to see Ms. Kole following him with a disgusted scowl on her face. I knew the worst was coming and looked at the doctor pleadingly. "Here are your results dear, now you may take these and rejoin your class, after your teacher has a word with you, okay?" I slowly nod, tears forming in my eyes. He walks away, leaving Ms. Kole and I alone. "You are here-by removed from the school, your record will not be penalized, and your parents have been notified. Go with your class and pack your things. We have no room for your kind here." She says bluntly before walking off. Leaving me alone with my thoughts.

!!Part two since i got bored again anyone have any requests or anything they want to see in the book go ahead and let me know ill see what i can do!!

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