Chapter 9 : Uninvited Guests (招かれざる客)

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"Your magic class has been canceled for today, Your Highness," Miyuki announced calmly, her voice carrying the same composed demeanor as always as she entered the room with a polite bow. With practiced ease, she began to swing open the grand windows, allowing the sunlight to flood the room.

Closing the book on magic cradled in her freshly bandaged hands, Charlotte stretched her sore muscles, sinking into the plush sofa.

Three weeks had passed since she took up residence here, yet the relentless pace of each day made it seem as though a month had slipped away. Though it was her decision to dive into lessons immediately, the rigorous training and relentless instruction proved to be more exhausting than she had anticipated.

Despite Charlotte's customary confidence in her extraordinary stamina and strength, which surpassed that of ordinary folk, this endeavor proved to be a formidable challenge.

As Miyuki exited the room with a polite bow, Charlotte suddenly rose from her seat, feeling a wave of dizziness wash over her. With unsteady steps, she made her way to the expanse of her bed and collapsed face-first onto its welcoming surface.

Turning her gaze towards the window, Charlotte's blurry vision focused on the serene scene outside.

Blue sky, bluish green trees with blue flowers and a blue bird perched on the branch.

Everything blue, as blue as her mood.

Charlotte's curriculum spanned a vast array of subjects, ranging from literature and history to politics, aristocratic and commoner hierarchies, etiquette, combat, swordplay, magic, ballroom dance, and beyond. It was nothing short of remarkable how each class was condensed into a single day, earning Charlotte praises for her unwavering commitment to the rigorous schedule.

As bone-breakingly exhausting as it was, it wasn't something Charlotte couldn't do. She lost count of the numerous nosebleeds endured over the past two weeks.

Given the utmost confidentiality surrounding her, irrespective of capability and trust, an abundance of caution led to the assignment of only three individuals as her teachers.

Kuro Igarashi, the Grey Knight of the Steely Storms.

Ingrid Pelhamnlet, the Second in Command of The Regal Raptors.

And then, Theodore Kanemoto Ryuujin, The Divine Imperial Majesty of the Golden Royalty himself.

She understood that receiving training directly from the Imperial Majesty himself was considered a divine blessing, a privilege bestowed upon only one before her. The fortunate individual she came to know was Kuro.

Kuro, the Sixth Wing, the youngest and final member to be part of His Majesty's very own elite order.

The Order of the Six Wings.

Over the past two weeks, Charlotte immersed herself in countless books and records, absorbing nearly all the details available to the public. Yet, as a newcomer, she understood that there was still much more to learn beyond what was accessible to the general populace.

It had been approximately 14 years since the current Emperor abruptly ascended to the throne. However, the details surrounding his succession remained elusive, shrouded in mystery and absent from any records.

Certain events eluded the pages of history books, their secrets hidden from the common public and even many among the lower aristocratic nobles remained unaware of what transpired.

As a newcomer to the Golden Royalty, Charlotte found herself thrust into a world secrecy, whether she desired it or not.

It fell upon Kuro, the Emperor's personal aide, to acquaint her with the inner workings of the Golden Royalty's history which was concealed from the view of the lower public.

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