12. In the Title Picture

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Before her double title defence at Money in the Bank, Becky wants to take a picture. (Inspired by the photo in her book.)

"We should take a picture."

Between jet lag, the time difference, and spending the last hour or so fucking, Seth's mind was understandably hazy, so he was sure he had misheard. "A picture?" he mumbled, drawing Becky to his side and pushing her hair out of her face.

"Yeah. A picture of us. With our titles." Becky kissed his chest and sighed. "I'm losing one of mine tomorrow—probably both, if Vince gets his way—so we don't have much time."

Seth stroked her back idly. "What kind of picture? Like... the Shawn Michaels type?" He knew he didn't have to elaborate: The photo of Shawn Michaels, presumed nude with the championship belt strategically positioned, was well known in the wrestling community and beyond.

"Well, yeah...." Becky blushed a bit, but her voice didn't waver. "Who knows when we'll both have a title at the same time again?"

"And if it gets leaked?" Seth knew the some of the consequences first-hand, but his leak had happened years ago; he didn't think Hunter would be quite so forgiving a second time around, especially not if it involved one of the hottest stars in the women's division. For Becky, it would be another level of disaster entirely; the internet was particularly unforgiving when it came to women's leaked pictures.

Becky reached up and stroked his beard. "Well, technically, we won't be naked," she pointed out, "so there's nothing to worry about in that sense. And if we say it was a HBK homage, Shawn might come to our defence, right?" Seth could practically feel the moment she remembered his previous photo leak. "Oh. Shit. I completely forgot. I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking—"

"It's okay." Seth pulled her on top of him and kissed her. "I'm more worried about what a leak would mean for you than for me."

"We could wear something underneath, I guess." Becky glanced over at their luggage. "I have a strapless bra in there somewhere, and—"

Seth kissed her until she fell quiet. "We'll make it work," he said simply. "Get your phone."

"You're sure?" Becky narrowed her eyes as she sat back. "I don't want you to feel like you have to...."

"I know." Then Seth grinned. "But you'll need help getting your belts in place, and we can't have one falling just as you take the picture, right?"

Becky laughed as she hopped off the bed and grabbed her phone from the hotel dresser. "That depends on who gets to see the photo. If it's just you...."

"If it's just for me," Seth countered, "you really don't have to bother with the belts at all." His grin sharpened to a smirk as he added, "Or we could wait until you lose one of the titles...."

"For you. Maybe." Becky went over to her bag and took out her titles. She didn't want to lose either of them—she'd barely had them a month—but if she had to, she'd rather lose to Charlotte than Lacey. Charlotte was overpushed and hardly needed another title, but at least she'd put in the work.

Seth was slower to get off the bed. "Meaning this one... isn't?"

"No. Yes. I mean...." Becky went over and kissed him. Her thoughts were all over the place and she wanted to make sure they were on the same page. "Okay, maybe we shouldn't...." She shook her head and swept her hair behind her shoulders. "I mean, yes, it's for us. But someday, maybe... I don't know." She stepped back and sighed. "My dad's always telling me to write a book, and there aren't a lot of books out there by female wrestlers. Maybe one day...."

Seth's eyes went wide. "As long as it's not the cover shot."

"Why? You know how many copies would sell for the cover alone?" Becky teased.

As he got his title out of his bag, Seth laughed. Becky was far too busy to write a book any time soon, so he didn't have anything to worry about—aside from making sure her hair didn't get caught in the velcro on her title strap. The picture would be a fun reminder of how they had made history, and they'd probably forget about it by morning anyway. "I've got the real thing," he answered with a grin, grabbing the SmackDown Women's Title and unfastening it as he pulled her into another kiss. "That's even better."

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