6. 2020: First Family Christmas

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Becky and Seth celebrate their first Christmas as parents.

"You didn't have to get me anything," Seth insists, looking over at Roux in her cradle seat. "She's the best present." Before, he'd always thought baby clothes were somewhat ridiculous, but now he can't get over how cute baby onesies are.

Becky just laughs. "She's mine too, you know. You have to share."

"I guess." He pulls Becky onto his lap and kisses her. Their daughter isn't even a month old—the fact that he'll have to measure age in months, even weeks, for a while boggles him—but Becky is already getting antsy and doing what workouts she can. Privately, he wishes she would slow down and enjoy the break for a month or two, but he also understands the urge to get back to routine. She'll be out of action for months, maybe even a full year, and there's no way she's going to be sitting on the couch watching TV all that time. "We made a cute kid," he remarks, glancing over at Roux. "Maybe we should do it again sometime."

"It's a date." Becky rests her head against his shoulder and gazes up at their Christmas tree. Normally decorating the Christmas tree is one of her favourite things, but she was so far along in the pregnancy that her stamina just wasn't there. She did what she could and Seth and his mother did the rest, and it looks lovely. Roux always wants to sit as close as possible to it; even now she's making grabby hands, the multi-coloured lights reflecting in her eyes. "Although maybe we should do like Miz and Maryse and have kids close together so the older one can't really complain."

Seth shakes his head. "Take your time. I'm not going anywhere. Well, I'm going back to work in January, I suppose," he allows, "but you know what I mean." When Roux makes a noise somewhere between a grunt and a coo, Becky slides off his lap. "I've got this one," he offers, reaching over and plucking his daughter from her chair. She feels incredibly tiny and delicate and he's always worried he's going to break her somehow, even though Becky constantly tells him he's doing an amazing job. When he can't smell anything foul, he breathes a sigh of relief. "Not a poop call, then."

Becky laughs. "No. She just wants her dada. She already knows how comfortable you are. Look." Seth has barely lifted Roux into his arms and she's already clutching at his shirt, resting her head over his heart. "I guess if I have to share," Becky laments with a sigh, "she would be the one to get first dibs."

"I've got room over here, you know," Seth replies, tapping the other side of his chest. The fact that he's holding a whole human with one hand is terrifying and amazing and about a dozen other things all at once. Roman and Marek did their best to prepare him, but there was nothing like holding his own baby for the first time. "Unless you think she's going to smack you in the face again."

"I'm sure that was purely accidental. Right, Roux?" Becky rests her head on the other side of Seth's chest and leans across to kiss Roux's cheek. The baby startles a bit, then giggles, snuggling in closer. Stroking the back of Roux's hand with her thumb, Becky sighs. "I'm glad she came before Christmas. I wouldn't want her having a holiday birthday, you know? That's no fun."

"Just imagine how fun she'll be next year," Seth points out. "Ripping open presents—"

"Getting tired and cranky from too many things and too many people," Becky adds, patting Seth's stomach. "But yeah, toy shopping will definitely be more fun. Although right now we have the advantage that everything amuses her. Socks will lose their appeal pretty soon."

Seth tries to muffle his laughter so he doesn't startle Roux, who's starting to fall asleep. "And she doesn't care about clothes or shoes. Not that caring about them is a bad thing," he adds quickly when Becky looks up at him sharply. She's not as into fashion as many of the women on the roster, but she does have a large sunglasses collection—Understandable for someone who lives in Los Angeles, he allows—and a fondness for sneakers. "Just means we could pick up fun stuff for her overseas, right?"

"Nice save," Becky murmurs, stroking Roux's hair. She's already insisting their daughter is going to look like him and Seth can't see it yet, but it still delights him. "We'll have to think about whether we want to bring her with us when we wrestle out of the country. To the UK for sure, so my family can see her, but any further... I don't know."

Seth nods. They've both spent enough time on planes to know that a bawling infant is inevitable. "It would be a lot to juggle," he agrees, "especially when we both have media to do...."

"I'm sure Auntie Bayley would help out." Roux stirs a bit at the mention of one of her aunties, and it makes Becky laugh. Roux hasn't met any of her wrestling aunties or uncles in person yet, but they've all seen pictures and fawned over her on video chats. Bayley and Naomi are her favourite aunties, while Roman and Jon and Finn are her favourite uncles. Seth figures once she meets Big E, however, that might all change.

"Except we might not ever get her back. And we don't want that, do we? Huh?" Seth pats Roux's back gently and she wriggles a bit. It almost reminds him of his dog Kevin wanting to be petted more.

"I'm sure we'd have no problem getting her back once it was diaper-changing time," Becky replies. Then she looks back over to the tree. "We still have presents to unwrap, you know." Most of the gifts are for Roux—from friends, family, even higher-ups in WWE—but she and Seth still have some to open too. Asuka had already sent Becky a mother's care package, but there were still gifts from her under the tree as well.

Roux makes a soft honking sound and Seth recognizes this one: it means she's almost asleep. "They can wait," he whispers, hugging Becky closer. "This is good for now."

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