2. Pick Your Battles

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Seth knows that to win some, he has to lose some.

Prompt: "I'll get my bodyguard to deal with you."

"You better watch out," Becky said, trying not to laugh. "I'll get my bodyguard to deal with your crap."

"Bodyguard? " Seth echoed, coming a step closer. "Where?"

"Here." Becky scooped Roux up and set their daughter down in front of her. Crouching down, she faux-whispered, "Roux, Dada's being bad."

Roux's face scrunched up as she peered up at her father. "Stop it, Dada. No bad."

"That's right. You tell him!" Becky said proudly, kissing her daughter's cheek before standing up and retreating a few more steps.

"Seriously?" Seth tried to walk around Roux, but she swatted at his knee. "Hey! Why are you hitting Dada? That's not nice."

"No bad," Roux declared, swatting his knee again.

Becky was doing a little victory dance behind Roux, practically cackling. "Go, Roux! You tell him! I'll distract him for you!" Then she flung the dishtowel she was holding at Seth's face and dashed around the corner.

"You know I can pick you up, right?" he told Roux, glancing behind him every so often. The kitchen was open at both ends, and he knew Becky was probably circling around to get him. "Like... this?" He leaned down and picked Roux up easily.

"Nooooo!" Roux wailed, thrashing her legs. "Bad Dada! Tell you, tell you!" She swatted at his arm as he held her to his chest. "MAMA! Dada's bad!"

Just as Seth expected, Becky came around the other side, hugging him from behind. "Hey! Let my bodyguard go!"

Seth turned as much as he could and let Roux jump ship over to her mother's waiting arms. "We win?" Roux asked, cuddling up against Becky's shoulder.

"We always win," Becky replied, smiling up at Seth. "Because Dada is very sportsmanlike."

"Dada knows how to pick his battles," Seth translated, kissing Becky's cheek and wrapping his arm around both of them. Roman had warned him of the highs and lows of having a daughter, and he knew he was in for a whole world of confusion and chaos in a matter of mere years. He figured if he got used to losing and having his ego bruised now, it hopefully wouldn't sting so much later on.

Becky rose up on tiptoe to kiss his neck, biting ever so slightly. "And Dada wins at other things."

Seth grinned. "Very important other things."

Roux started squirming again. "Dance time?"

"That's a wonderful idea. You go move the pillows," Becky said, setting Roux down on her feet, "and Mama and Dada will be there in a minute."

Seth barely waited until Roux had left the kitchen to wrap his arms around Becky's waist and kiss her. "You know your bodyguard isn't going to be able to save you later, right?"

Becky beamed up at him. "I'm counting on it."

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