7. 2021: Bedecked

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Seth tries to figure out Christmas traditions.

"Stockings? Santa photos? Elf on the Shelf?" Seth sounds like he's making his way through some arcane checklist and that's because he basically is. It's not like his family doesn't celebrate some version of Christmas, but now that he's been with Becky for almost three years, he's been exposed to more Christmas rituals and traditions than he could imagine. At least I didn't propose as her Christmas present, he tells himself. This is Roux's first real Christmas—she wasn't even a month old for her first one—so he wants to make sure she enjoys it.

Becky comes over and looks at the paper in his hand, smiling softly. "You made a list? Aw." Wrapping her arms around him, she cuddles up to his side. "That's so sweet."

"Well, I mean, it's not like I haven't done Christmas before," he replies, hoping he doesn't sound defensive, "but I know it's your favourite holiday, so I want to make sure I know what's going on."

"As long as you don't do that Happy wife, happy life bullshit with me," Becky insists. "You have to enjoy everything too."

Happy wife. That's been Seth's goal from the second he knew he was going to propose. Their wedding was postponed because of COVID and so much happened before they finally got wed—Roux was born, Becky's father died—that it feels like they crammed a decade of experiences into a year. Becky made her in-ring return at SummerSlam and won a title, and things have been going full tilt ever since—and Roux has been with them for most of it, on the road, on flights, and backstage. "I know. I just know it means a lot to you," he replies, "and I think it would be cool to build some traditions for her too." He looks over to their daughter, who's happily dancing with the dog. "I know it can be whatever we want it to be...."

"Exactly. I'd say yes to stockings. I had one as a kid and they're fun. There's always small little presents you can sneak in there. Photos with Santa?" Becky grimaces a bit. In some ways, Roux is remarkably well socialized, in large part from being backstage with so many adults. It may be different when she's the centre of the spectacle, though. "If Mick was doing a Santa appearance, that's one thing. I know we're getting the certificates," she adds, "but I don't know about a mall Santa. We'll have to see. We can try. The mall may be the hardest part of that equation."

Seth nods. In Davenport, anyway, they're recognizable enough that they get stopped frequently. The fans usually aren't rude—mostly they just want a selfie or an autograph—but it can make even the simplest activities take forever. Los Angeles has its own problems. "There must be some... private Santa functions or something, right?"

"Probably. We can look into it." He's not at all surprised to see that Becky has a list of her own and she adds Look up Santa options at the bottom. "Elf on the Shelf?" She frowns again. "I never had it. I think it's a bit weird, to be honest. Also, not too sure how Darrell and Kevin would take to it."

"Good point." The cat and dog were good with Roux herself, but they considered any toy left on the floor to be fair game. Unless the surveillance Elf was kept on a high perch, it likely wouldn't be safe. "Um... matching pyjamas?" When Becky chuckles, he just shrugs. "I saw it on a commercial. I didn't know if it was an actual thing or not."

"I know some people buy matching pyjamas for their families for Christmas Day, but...." Becky trails off, glancing over at Roux. "You'd probably overheat in flannel, and she seems to have your genes for that, so she'd probably have the shirt off in ten minutes."

Seth laughs. "She is my mini-me," he agrees with a grin. Then he raises his voice a bit. "Hey Roux, do you want matching jammies for Christmas?"

Roux perks up at the mention of jammies and toddles over to her parents. Jammies means bedtime, which in turn means stories and dancing and picking out her favourite stuffed toy to sleep with that night. "Ammies?"

Seth crouches down and hugs his daughter, lifting her up with a groan to make her laugh. "Not right now," he explains carefully. "For Christmas." He points to the huge tree in the corner that they put up yesterday. They're inviting his mother and stepfather over to help decorate it, so it looks rather bare at the moment, but Roux loves it all the same; Seth has caught her sprawled beneath it more than once, napping happily. "Would you like to have jammies that match Mama and Dada's?"

Roux looks over to Becky. "Mama ammies?"

Becky nods. "Would you like some like mine?"

"Yeah!" Roux nods so emphatically she nearly bonks her head on Seth's chin.

"What about Dada?" Becky asks, darting in to kiss her cheek. "Should we get Dada jammies like Mama's too?"

"YEAH!" Roux's enthusiasm makes Seth need to tighten his grip on her so she doesn't fall. "Dada ammies too!"

"Well, that's one thing settled," Becky declares. "Now we just need to go jammie shopping."

Seth sighs. Becky was right when she said he would probably overheat, but if he only has to wear them for an hour or two, he can make do. I can always take the top off, he reasons, setting Roux back down on her feet so she can run over to Becky. "Okay. Let me get my phone," he says, "and we'll find some jammies we all like."

"Ammies! Ammies!" Roux starts twirling around with happiness and if Seth needed any more reason to wear flannel, it's right there—in her absolute joy, the way her delight powers every movement.

Becky watches Roux dance, her smile as soft as Seth's heart feels. "I know Santa normally gets milk and cookies," she said casually. "But I think he might appreciate a cup of coffee every now and again, don't you?"

"Absolutely." Seth rests his chin on Becky's head. Maybe the matching pyjamas will become a yearly thing; maybe it will only happen once. He just knows he'll appreciate the chance to make memories and moments with the two people he loves the most—even if he's wearing flannel while he's doing it.

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