Chapter 30

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Maya pulled me back to whisper in my ear, "Don't provoke them on purpose!"

I ignored her warning and leaned forward again to face Travis and Alice. They stood in shock from seeing me at their school, clearly not expecting me to approach them first.

"What are you even doing here?" Alice demanded. "You don't even attend this school. Wait, you aren't joining our school... are you?"

One could easily spot her concern. These kids thrived at school, both being very popular in their given grade levels. I had already proven to be a thorn in their side, so having me at the school threatened their 'perfect images' here.

Wanting to scare them even more, I said, "Not yet, at least. I'm only checking it out right now. Maya's been showing me around." I smirked.

They both stood stiffly, frozen in place. It only took one wrong move for their perfectly built, popular personas to come crumbling down. After a long moment of hesitation, Travis grabbed his sister's arm and lowered his head ever so slightly.

"Let's just go."

With that, they left us alone without another word. I'd won this battle. Still, I would stay with Maya at school for a few more days to ensure they don't dare lash out again. Better to be safe than sorry.

I turned back to her with a grin, "And why shouldn't I provoke them?"

Maya rolled her eyes, trying to hide a smile. "You just got lucky today."

"Mhm, sure~"

Despite all the distractions, we eventually finished eating and threw away our trash. Maya led me outside to the back of the building where a huge field awaited us. Sure it was nothing compared to the size of various flat areas I used for training back in my realm, but compared to everything else in the area, it was massive.

I couldn't stop the grin spreading across my face. How long had it been since I last let loose and ran around wildly? Went off and raced to my heart's content?

Back home Talutah and I would race each other constantly whenever one of us felt lost or simply needed to clear our heads. It was a great distraction and loads of fun.

Unfortunately the field was already in use by a large group of teens kicking a ball around, so I instead turned to the track. It was a lot smaller than the field, but currently empty. This made it the perfect option, so I pointed to it while turning back to Maya.

"Can I run around that?" I asked.

"Sure, I doubt anyone will stop you. Try not to run too inhumanly fast though. I heard from Kevin just how fast you are," she warned.

"Hmmm... you do have a point. Wanna run with me so I have a good pace to match?"

"You want me to run voluntarily?"

"Don't you like running?"

"Hell no, and I doubt you'll find anyone who does!"

"Then what's the track even here for?"

"Torture. Oh, and the track and field team I guess."

"What about the track and field team?" a random boy stopped beside us.

He stood very tall, so he had to look down at us while speaking. Those bright blue eyes were full of questions. People clearly didn't talk about that team often.

"I was just asking what the track was used for," I answered.

His face lit up. "Do you like running? Do you wanna join my team?"

"Ohhh you're on the track and field team. That makes a lot more sense."

I paused for a moment. I obviously couldn't join his team since I didn't even go to this school, but I could use that to try and get him to run with me. If Maya didn't want to run with me and set a normal pace to run at, I could use him instead.

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