Chapter 24

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When Melinda reentered her shop, Kevin and I were still sitting at the counter chatting. Both of our cups were empty, but I didn't want to wake Mittens who had fallen asleep in my lap. I gently scratched the top of her head, but turned around when I heard the door open.

"You boys're still 'ere?" she asked while stepping around the counter.

"Yeah, we got a little distracted," Kevin admitted.

I nodded in agreement. "We didn't want to wake Mittens up."

"She's a real social butterfly, that kitty." Melinda agreed. "Ya got more plans fer the day?"

She quickly stashed our empty cups in the back to deal with later, before returning to hear our answer. Kevin thought for a moment before answering.

"There's not really anything too exciting we have planned, but Maya has been constantly reminding me to get a new job. I just don't know where to look around here to even find who is hiring."

Melinda offered a sympathetic smile. "Wish I could help ya, hun. I'd have loved ya workin' here with me, but yer about the only person who knowsa this place. I couldn't even pay ya."

"Oh, no! Please don't apologize for that! I wasn't telling you to get offered a job. I know how hard it is to get any business over here. But thank you so much for thinking about me."

I watched the two of them eagerly. They each seemed to genuinely wish they could help the other, but neither could. Was there a way to help them both at once? If we could somehow get Melinda's coffee shop more customers, could Kevin get a job here?

Seeing how much he clearly cared for this place and how well the two got along, it would probably be the best job for him. And if I could help him get it, then I'd already be working towards paying him back for all his kindness.

Having made up my mind, I asked, "Is there a way to get you more business? There's gotta be something we can all do."

"I wish there was," Melinda started, a hint of sadness in her eyes. "But there ain't much I can do 'bout it. Those of us not in the town center just don't get many visitors no more."

I tapped my foot against the metal bar circling around the stool. There had to be something we could do...

I looked over at Kevin, hoping he would have a solution. However, he seemed out of ideas too, since he only shook his head sadly.

"There really aren't many things we could do. But hey, at least my business helps a bit," Kevin explained.

"Sure does!" Melinda exclaimed, a bright smile returning to her face. "And I'm happy even if one person getsta enjoy my coffee!"

I forced myself to smile back, still bothered we couldn't come up with a solution. At least the two of them weren't too upset by it all, but I knew this would be another thing keeping me up at night.

We stayed at the coffee shop for a couple more hours, listening to Melinda's stories and letting Mittens enjoy her nap. When she woke up and leapt off my lap, Kevin and I decided it was time to go.

"Enjoy the resta yer day!" she said while waving goodbye.

We both waved back, before leaving that cozy corner and returning to the town center. We strolled around aimlessly for a while, looking through windows of different buildings stopping occasionally for some snacks. Today had been so relaxing—a nice change of pace.

When the sun began setting overhead, we returned to the house. Maya beat us back once again, but this time she was in a better mood.

"Well you look like you had fun today," she noted.

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