Chapter 8

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A golden light shined down upon it, proving these shoes were exactly what I needed. With little concern for how dramatic I was being, I snatched a couple boxes of different sizes and dashed back to the bench.

I tried the first pair, then the second. By the third pair of shoes, they fit perfectly. Sliding both onto my feet, I stood up for what felt like the first time in ages. Now this is what it felt like to stand on one's own feet.

I wasn't just taller, I was more powerful. More ready for action. Standing once more on angled feet, there would be nothing in this realm I couldn't face head on.

"Are you wearing heels?" Kevin asked, suddenly standing beside me.

I wiggled my toes, now free from the confines of those dreadful tennis shoes. "So that's what these are called? They're absolutely perfect! These legs may still bend all weird, but at least my feet are at a far more natural angle now. I can finally run around!"

Before Kevin got the chance to stop me, I burst into a sprint. I leapt over fallen boxes and turned sharply around each corner. I was so relieved to feel even a little more like my old self that I completely ignored Kevin struggling to chase after me.

"Slow down!" he shouted. "You don't wanna break anything!"

Landing perfectly centered on the bench I sat at previously, I finally listened to him. I squatted down to bounce my weight over the heels, checking their sturdiness.

When Kevin finally caught up I asked, "What do you think? These fit me pretty well, right?"

Kevin bent over heaving. "Yes," he paused to catch his breath. "I'm glad you like them so much."

"I love them! These are absolutely perfect. I'll go put the rest of these boxes away. This won't take long at all."

He was right last night, getting so much sleep filled me to the brim with energy. I was used to constantly being on the run, never resting for long. Getting lots of sleep two nights in a row made me ridiculously hyper.

These shoes were perfect for letting some of this built up energy loose. My weight distributed much more naturally with my heels raised, so I could move around more freely now. I was so excited to see what else Kevin planned for the day. This town he lived in had so many exciting places to explore.

I met Kevin back at the door after he finished paying for the shoes. He thankfully recovered from chasing after me and was able to breathe normally again. We both left the building and Kevin sighed, relieved to be out of that store. 

"Let's stay outside for now," he told me, already exhausted. "I don't think anyone's ready to handle that much energy in their store."

"What do you mean?" I asked, completely oblivious.

"You're like a small child on a sugar high. How are you not tired yet?"

"We both slept for super long. The real question is how are you already tired when the day has just begun? There's so much more to explore around here! So many more people to meet!"

He rubbed his temple, "Let's just head to the park for now."

Not bothering to ask more questions, I skipped along behind Kevin. He eventually led me to a fenced off area filled with trees. Small animals dashed under the cover of foliage as human children ran around a strange structure. Kevin sat down on an empty wooden bench, resting his head in his hands.

"Go run around here," he instructed. "Get some of that energy out of your system."

I turned in a circle to take it all in. Now this was a nice area to run around. Or at least it would've been if there weren't so many people already crowding it. I paced around the outside of the park, stopping to stare at the wildlife. There was a reason we referred to this as the Living Realm. It was full of all sorts of unique creatures.

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