-CHAPTER SEVEN-~Tears falling from my cheeks onto the white bed ~

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Vodie, Mom , Dad, and my grandparents kept saying more and more of those horrid words. As I was listening to those words , I slowly started to get a little panic wondering how much i've done wrong and how i felt to be the one alive in this whole dead family problem the voices in my head kept pressuring me along with my family, I tried to escape the void in my mind but couldn't. I heard a small voice yelling "AODIANNA" "AODIANNA WAKE UP PLS... " over and over again. Eventually I woke up laying on a white hotel bed with Alaina worried. "Wha-What happened?" I said with a cracked up voice." I don't know but we outran the skinwalker at least. You were asleep for over 3 hours! Are you alright?" Alaina said. "Yes I am. But one question." "Yes?" Alaina asked. "Am I a disgrace to the world?" "Hell naw. You are a great friend and sister! The best I've ever had!" "Thank you. I really needed that." I said "Let's get some food I am STARVING!!!" Alaina  exclaimed. "Lol ok." As we got some food to eat I started to remember those words: you are a disgrace, you are useless, you were never meant to be, over and over again. Once again my mind was turning into a deep void that I kept falling  into. It panics me over things happening in the past and  gives me the feeling of guilt  of the past . I wanted to escape the voices in my mind  but that really doesn't happen does it? Alaina started tapping my shoulder letting me know I was zoned out and not eating. I shook my head and got back to eating. After taking about only 14 bites of food i got full, for some reason I did not want to eat so i just told Alaina that i was no longer hungry.  Suddenly  I had a wrong feeling.. This feeling felt like it was in the hotel. I told Alaina that I was gonna go on a walk. She raised her thumb up in the air as a symbol of saying okay. I walked out of the room I was staying in.  As I locked the door the weird creepy demonic feeling got stronger. Suddenly I sprinted down the halls until I was this door to the janitor's room. This is where the feeling is coming from right here. I started to hear those demonic skinwalker sounds. Although, the sounds didn't scare me this time. I slowly  and carefully cracked the door open and pointed my flashlight inside. I gasped as I saw something very morbid... I saw an awfully big skinwalker devouring the poor woman who was the janitor. I stood in shock with my eyes widened and watering  and my body heavily breathing. Seconds later the skinwalker layed eyes on me noticing my presents. In fear  I dropped my flashlight and closed the door and started to sprint the fastest I've ever ran . the lights started to flicker as I ran and ran as it started chasing after me. I finally got to my room and pulled  Alainas arm and brought her straight to the cabinets and locked Alaina and I in there with the duck tape. ¨AODIANNA WHA-¨ Alaina was saying as  I cut her off by covering her mouth.

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