-CHAPTER SIX-~You aren't careful are you~

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Alaina and I stared at the crucifix in great belief. We both thought we would never find it, especially in one day of being in Miami. As I was about to just snatch the crucifix of the desk, Alaina grabbed  my wrist and pushed my hand away from it.  ¨What was that for!?" I hissed at Alaina. ¨ Be careful, who knows what happens if you just grab a random crucifix! Don't you think it's kind of suspicious that there's a random crucifix not even half protected in the middle of some abandoned lab building?¨ Alaina replied as she once again stared at the crucifix. ¨Well I mean the building is abandoned, why would they still have working energy in this building? Its legit  abandoned!¨ I replied back confidently. ¨Well... You do have a point there.... I guess we'll just have to give it a try.¨ Alaina replied nervously. This time I slowly put my hand on the crucifix and picked it up slowly...Nothing happened, it stayed the same as it was. I looked at it for a few seconds and made a soft smile knowing that I will finally get my sweet revenge on these abominations. After that short moment of relief we were about to hop back in the dumbwaiter and we heard loud and annoying banging sounds from it. Alaina and I backed up. After 6 or 7 times of that annoying sound we heard the demonic  skinwalker sounds. Alaina pulled my arm, bringing me to a flight of stairs. ¨HURRY GET UP HERE!¨ Alaina shouted and offered desperately. We could not use the crucifix until we found the boss of those... things. We spritended up the stairs as the skinwalker followed us. It was catching  speed quickly! After we went up the first flight of stairs we went to the door although the door was blocked... we quickly continued going up the stairs. Every single doorway was blocked. All except the rooftop.... We went up at least 50 or 48 flights of stairs. Alaina and I were exhausted. We finally made it to the rooftop. ¨AODIANNA HOLD MY HAND WE ARE GONNA JUMP!¨ Alaina screams at me very seriously. ¨ALAINA ARE YOU CRAZY?! WE COULD GET KILLED AND THESE BASTARDS WILL STILL EXIST!¨ I shouted back at alaina. ¨AODIANNA JUST TRUST ME¨ Alaina replied back as she put a see thru bandana over her eyes. I refused . Alaina just grabbed me by the arm as we jumped. I closed my eyes THINKING I was gonna die but we were.. flying? I looked up at Alaina to see her using her wings for flight. I look at the skinwalker. It looked at Alaina with disbelief. I was so happy I shouted at it. ¨BYE SLOW BRO HAHAHA!¨ .  I have some nerves....haha...
Sooner or later Alaina and I made it back to the hotel that we were staying at. After the disaster we were in we immediately went to our small hotel rooms and jumped right into bed . As I layed in bed I started to close my eyes as I peacefully fell fast asleep...Although the dream I had was not peaceful at all. In my dream I was laying on a liquid inky cold surface. The whole room was cold and dark and creepy. I sat up realizing that I was no longer in my hotel room, no longer in the hotel white sheet bed.  I turned my head to see a group of 5 people that I knew but some barely knew... The first person I saw was.. My sister It has been so long since I saw her face. ¨V-VODIE!¨ I shouted as I ran to her for a hug with happy tears. When I ran to her arms she wasn't offering me a hug back..Instead..She pushed me angrily. ¨Wha- wha- what's wrong did I
do something wrong?!¨ I said in a scared and depressing way. ¨ YES YOU DID SOMETHING WRONG!! IF YOU DID NOT EXIST I WOULD HAVE LIVED AND HAVE MY BEST LIFE YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SH-¨ Vodie screamed angrily.I interrupted whispering "What did I ever do..." After what my sister said, my tears went from happiness to sadness and depression. It made my heart ache in a worse way than it should. After that my grandparents appeared. ¨Your sister is right! You are a disgrace to our family.¨ Said my grandma with a ruler in her hand. Then the two I have never seen in over 9/5 years.... My parents... ¨YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY DISGRACEFUL TO THIS WORLD! YOUR SISTER WAS BETTER THAN YOU PEASANT!¨My mom said, or who you can call Voadanna . My Father nodded and agreed. "They are right, you know, you are an utter MISTAKE ." he said in an angry yet calm voice.


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