-CHAPTER FOUR-~Randomly missing~

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"No problem. Now let's go to the library." Alaina says as she pulls my arm dragging me to the library. Sooner or later we arrived at the library. Alaina led me to the MYTH LEGENDS section. As we entered the section Alaina walked toward a shelf. " Help me find a book that can help defeat the skinwalkers, I know you want revenge just by looking  at your face. So quickly, find something!" Alaina said very seriously. "Uhm okay!" I replied back kind of confused. I looked through a few books, so far nothing about skinwalkers. Alaina didn't find anything as well.  After an hour or so I found a book called "ALTERNATE HISTORY" I quickly opened the table of contents. The page for skinwalkers was page 5-7 . I opened page five and it showed some things that happened in the past between humans and skinwalkers. " ALAINA I FOUND A BOOK WITH THE INFORMATION!" I harshly whispered.  " COMING" Alaina whispered harshly back to me. The first page read Mostly the information that Alaina gave me. I turned to page six and that was mostly about what skinwalkers looked like and where they hide or be found most times. Then I turned to page Seven and the page was ripped out. "WHA-WHAT ALL THAT FOR NOTHING!?" I once again harshly whispered to Alaina. "Shit, something or someone must have ripped out the page that could have had the answer of how to defeat the skinwalker!" Alania said, kind of pissed off. We borrowed the book to try to find the missing page. As we walked out of the library Alania and I got an amber alert about children going missing in the park.  Alaina and I both look at each other and nod knowing we should check there. We both knew to check there because in the book it said Skin walkers lurk around forests and hunt children . Alaina and I sprinted to the park and we ran right into the forest. As soon as we were at least 2 miles away from the park. We walk for hours trying to find some clues if a skin walker is really near the park . Sooner or later it was dark. Alaina and I found a small clue, found a small amount of blood in this ditch. After a while of focusing on that Alaina and I hear bushes moving we look behind each other and we see a deer. The weirdest part is... it was standing on its hind legs. My eyes widened and I went completely pale. I dragged Alaina running at full speed not knowing where I was going. We ran and ran. The deer followed us still on its hind legs. We ran and ran and ran. I started to run in zig zags to try and confuse the skinwalker. Luckily it stopped for a while and went the wrong way. Still running we find a small cabin. We went inside at light speed. Luckily it was open. When we made it inside I locked the doors and closed the windows. I took a glance at the table and there was a piece of paper. My nosey 10 year old self walked up to it and picked it up. I read the page number page 7 and it had a ripped side. I realized that this was the page that was ripped out of the book. Suddenly we heard those skin walker sounds and we hid inside a cabinet. Alaina turned into her angel form and quickly looked down. We duck taped the cabinets shut and I grabbed a pen and paper that I found inside the cabinet. I started to write down a simple sentence telling Alaina I found the page of the book. Alaina and I read over the pages and how to defeat the skinwalker. It turns out to defeat a skinwalker  you have to find a crucifix, holy water,and salt and it has to be at a certain time to set up the trap. Everything else was easy to find but there are only three crucifixes left in the world and the nearest one was all the way in Miami and it was in a top secret place.


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