-CHAPTER FIVE-~Crucifix~

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When we left the cabin we started talking about the notes we have taken about skin walkers and how we defeat them. It was going to take a while. Sooner or later we got home and started studying more about the alternates, notes we could add, and listing the stuff we needed to defeat the fucking creatures. After hours of that
we went to sleep. The next day Alaina and I decided to convince our parents to go to Miami on our own. We said it was for educational reasons. They let us go but we had a limit of 3 days. Alaina buys bus tickets. After packing our bags we went to the bus stop and waited for the bus to arrive. After one hour  the bus finally arrived. We took a step in the bus but something felt.......wrong. I looked over at Alaina. She also seemed concerned, I could see it in her face. We took a seat in the back of the bus. The first thing we did was talk about the situation. "So how exactly can we find this Crucifix?" I asked Alaina. "We just have to find out. According to the book it said the crucifix is mostly found in places nobody goes to anymore. Like for example and abandon building, or abandon town or something." Alaina answered. "Okay, also, I kind of have a bad bad feeling about our ride.." I replied back to her. " I have a bad feeling as well. But let's try to shake the feeling off. It might just be our heads." Alaina replied. "You're probably  right!" I replied. We stayed there for a few hours but the closer we were to Miami the worse the bad feeling got.........
We arrived in Miami at 4:35pm. We stepped out of the bus and went to a little cabin to stay at. After storing our things in the cabin we got out and went to an abandoned area. We explored for a while. We found little traces of clues in the area but so far we did not find the crucifix. We found a protected building that seemed like a lab."Maybe we could look here?" I asked  "Maybe, but we would need to find some way in.Its too protected!" replied Alianna. We both thought of a way in. "Um Alianna isnt this building old?" asked Aodianna " As it seems, yes!" said Alianna. They agreed it might have a dumbwaiter."Ok, let's find the dumbwaiter so we can get in.But remember, be SILENT so they do not catch us." said Alianna "You mean those motherfuckers *scoff*  yeah right." said  Aodianna " Lets just go before you get crazier about the crucifix." Alianna said. As we found the dumbwaiter we tried to fit both of us inside the small little thing. As soon as we got inside the dumbwaiter we dropped downward.
As we fell we landed. We opened The door, finally escaping the small thing. We wiped the dust off our shirts. After that disaster we looked up and saw..... The crucifix


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