-Chapter One-~Skin Crawling~

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Hey I'm Aodianna Carter. I was in the middle of my childhood writing notes while having fun at me and my sister's house. My sister has taken care of me since my parents died. Our grandparents lived all the way in Florida ,while my sister and I lived in New Jersey. I've always wanted to know how our parents died. My sister never told me how , so it must have been tragic! I never knew Who they were.
By the way, my sister's name is Vodie Carter. She is currently 26 years old. Getting back to the subject, I was writing little notes about my six year old self until I heard my sister call me down stairs for my favorite dinner, Mac & Cheese
"Aodianna dinner is ready!" called Vodie
"COMING" . I called back. I got down stairs and peacefully ate . Life at my sister's house was like home until,
We heard really weird sounds outside our door , my sister went pale as she heard the sounds over and over again. "Aodianna.... Hide in a small space with a little door like a cabinet and at all times be VERY QUIET and keep the little doors SHUT with all your strength don't get out until I say so , call the emergency once everything has gone silent , I'll see you in sometime.." said Vodie in a very serious way. With confusion I had to do what she said . As I was in the closet with my phone turned off, I heard Vodie turning all of the lights on. Then I heard her opening a drawer and closing it. I was suspecting it was the knife drawer? A few seconds later  I heard her slowly opening the curtains and then a gasp then she quickly closed the curtains then all the lights went out. I heard my sister crouch somewhere. A minute later (or so I think) I heard footsteps coming closer.  As the footsteps got closer and closer and closer the sounds kept getting more demonic and creepy . I was scared for my life . After a few seconds I heard the demonic sound lifting up furniture then I heard something I wish never happened... something I wish I never heard....  The skin crawling sound of my sisters screams and a loud BANG . I tried not to cry, I would make noise! So I stayed quiet and then I noticed  the demonic sounds coming closer and closer and closer. I went completely pale , I was scared and devastated about my sister's death... little did I know deep inside I wanted revenge. I snapped back to reality after overthinking my revenge. The noise was right next to me... I duct taped the cabinets shut and stayed EXTREMELY quiet. I was barely breathing . The noise sounded WAY more demonic than the last time. The noise was raspy, demonic, blood curdling, skin crawling, hungry, and sounded very thirsty. Time passed by and the demonic noises stayed there for about an hour and a half. Then, still terrified and scared, the noise got quiet and started to fade away. I was not sure if the demonic creature left or not so that I could call an emergency. I peeked out the little hole in the cabinet and I saw an orange-ish color hitting the marvel plated floor.. I didn't even realize it was the morning. I didn't even remember my phone next to me. I picked it up , the date read 6:17am July 14th 2017. Gosh I will never forget that date. I called the emergency. " Hello this is 911. What seems to be the problem" the young lady said to me. ¨ sniff sniff ¨ i sobbed ¨ S- Some c-creature k-killed my sister I-I-I don't know what to do. Please help." I said terrified and confused. "We are on our way dear" said the young lady. Sooner or later the emergency came to my place. It turns out that my sister died. I was devastated. Everyone thought That some murder came and killed my sister but it was not. It was a monster, not just any kind of monster , a SKINWALKER!


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