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As I stroll down the bustling street, the aroma of freshly baked bread and blooming flowers fills the air. I glimpse a quaint flower shop between a bustling cafe and a vintage bookstore. Intrigued, I step inside, greeted by a symphony of colors and fragrances.

Rows of vibrant blooms adorn the shelves, each more enchanting than the last. My gaze lands on a mesmerizing bouquet of crimson roses, their soft and delicate petals like velvet. I touch them, feeling their silky texture beneath my fingertips.

Suddenly, a voice interrupts my reverie. "They're beautiful, aren't they?" I turn to find a smiling florist standing beside me, her eyes twinkling with warmth.

I nod, unable to tear my gaze away from the captivating arrangement. "Yes, they are. They're perfect."

The florist nods knowingly. "You have an eye for beauty. These roses are special. They symbolize love, passion, and desire."

Her words resonate with me, stirring something deep within my heart. Without hesitation, I purchase the bouquet, knowing its significance goes far beyond its aesthetic appeal.

As I leave the shop, the bouquet cradled in my arms, I feel a sense of anticipation building within me. Who will receive these roses? And what will they signify for us?

With each step, I feel the weight of the bouquet in my hands, a tangible reminder of the emotions it represents. I can't help but wonder what new beginnings lie ahead, all sparked by a simple bouquet.

Lost in my thoughts, I turn the corner and freeze in my tracks. There, standing before me is a figure from my past. Time stands still as I lock eyes with her, my heart pounding.

It's her—my lost love, the one who left my life years ago without explanation. Her presence fills the air with nostalgia and apprehension, stirring up emotions I thought long buried.

For a moment, we stare at each other, each lost in our thoughts. Then, as if drawn by an invisible force, we approach one another.

"Hi," she says softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Hi," I reply, my voice catching in my throat. Memories flood my mind—moments shared, laughter exchanged, and the pain of her departure.

We stand face to face, the distance between us filled with unspoken words and unresolved emotions. Then, almost instinctively, I extend the bouquet of roses toward her. The crimson blooms are a silent offering of love and forgiveness.

She hesitates for a moment, her eyes flickering with uncertainty. But then, with a slight smile, she reaches out to accept the flowers, her fingers brushing against mine in a fleeting touch.

"Thank you," she murmurs, her voice barely audible over the din of the bustling street.

As she walks away, the bouquet held gently in her grasp, I watch her silhouette disappear into the crowd, a sense of closure washing over me. Perhaps this chance encounter was meant to be—a reminder of love's enduring power to heal and forgive, even after years of absence. 

Pebbles: A Collection of Short StoriesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu