A Gift of Youth

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The knock was unexpected, as was the small red box left on my doorstep. I opened it to find a snowglobe with nothing but flickering snow inside. Bewildered, I looked around for an answer but was only greeted with a recently constructed snowman's cheery smile.

I looked back down at the unclaimed gift, but this time when I looked up, I was in the swirl of snow. Each flake danced and glided most pleasingly. I felt the bubble of a childish giggle erupt from my lips. It was as though a weight had been lifted.

I twirled and danced amongst the falling flutter that Jack Frost himself must have conjured. I fell to the ground and swooshed a snow angel. I felt lighter than I had since I was a child. I was suddenly filled with the possibilities of winter. Each falling snowflake could be a snowman, snowball, or snow-castle. The brightly lit setting filled me with ease and comfort that only pure innocence carries.

I could breathe again. It had been so long since a true bubbling of uncontrolled laughter erupted from me. I skipped and I frolicked. When I came across a frozen puddle, I did not curse it for the likeliness that I would slip; I glided across it with the unyielding confidence of youth.

I let the frozen world fill me. Restore the magic that had been tarnish by years of meetings, deadlines, and responsibilities. I settled into a snowbank and closed my eyes as the soft flakes tickled my nose. Then, as quickly as I had arrived, I was back on my doorstep.

I still do not know who sent the snowglobe, but when I looked back out my window, I swear the snowman winked at me.

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